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It was a tense silence that fell upon the room as Master Jotham read the letter. Below him, both Conquerors sat with weapons in their hands. They were not hostile by any means, but I knew they were trying to dissuade any aggressive action. The Peacekeeper leaned against the throne, as she had before, but this time kept her hands still, resting patiently on the hilts of her sword and dagger. All I could do was wait, and keep a tight grip on my sword. Stone paced behind me, letting his flail rattle as he glared at the Midnight Howls, as though daring them to try anything.

Jotham raised his head from the paper, a silent question seemed to ring in my mind as he stared at me. He wanted to know if the letter was true. I was uncertain how I would be able to convince him, but gave a slow nod in response. Around us, the guards seemed to shift their gaze between each of their armored companions and guests, seemingly unsure of which to focus on. Without a word, Jotham folded the paper, and handed it to the Peacekeeper. She took it carefully and pushed against the throne, righting herself as she walked slowly.

"This hamlet you speak of is where these "songbirds" lie?" He asked. I'd been able to give a brief explanation of events, as well as some details to better explain the letter's meaning.

"Herongale, yes. I suspect Blackstone will attack it soon." I responded. Jotham leaned in closer and observed me closely, though I'm not sure why. Perhaps he was trying to determine my sincerity? If so, I wasn't sure what I could say in order to convince him. Whatever he had planned to say was interrupted when the male Conqueror rose from his seated position, letting the chain of his flail rattle as he did.

"What reason do we have to believe you? You were once Blackstone, how do we know this isn't some grand scheme to destroy us or our people?" He asked. Stone stepped beside me, tense. I could tell he was offended by such a remark, but we needed to stay calm. I extended a hand and blocked Stone's path, giving him a soft shake of the head before the Peacekeeper spoke.

"The Blackstone Legion prefers direct combat and action. They would not send a spy to overthrow a castle, they would ram it down." She explained. Jotham nodded and rose himself.

"Agreed. Besides, Blackstone would not carry a sick and injured woman with them. They'd leave her to die or kill her themselves. These men have proven they have no loyalty to them." He added. I breathed a sigh of relief as they spoke and lowered my arm, while the Conqueror begrudgingly took a seat. Jotham took a few steps forward, stopping on the steps of his Conquerors.

"That said, the fact that this letter was delivered to you does indicate either a traitor, or a trap. Frankly, I doubt there is a traitor in their midst." He observed. Stone held out his arms as though presenting himself, then raised them slightly.

"Are we not both traitors? There were good men in Blackstone! Is it so hard to believe another found the courage to walk away as we did?" He challenged. The female Conqueror began to stand herself, but I reached forward, hoping to calm the situation.

"All that matters is that an innocent hamlet is at risk for my actions, something must be done to help them!"

"And what is it you would have us do, Warden?" The male Conqueror asked. For a moment, I could not speak. In truth, I wasn't sure what could be done. I doubted my standing was strong enough to ask for direct aid, let alone permission to leave while working off my debt. Leaving alone would not accomplish much of anything, nor would risking Stone's life. Still, if I were to truly begin changing Ashfeld, I needed to take action, and if I were to save Herongale, I would need to take it soon. So with a deep breath, I stepped forward and planted the tip of my sword at my feet, holding it steady with both hands.

"I would ask you to join us in driving back the Legion, or if that seems infeasible, escorting the people of Herongale to safety within these walls." Before I had even finished speaking, there were groans and jeers from both Conquerors and the surrounding guards. Only Jotham and the Peacekeeper seemed to at all consider the idea. Even then, Jotham seemed more amused by the concept than anything else.

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