Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Will he be all right?" He asked in a whisper as I came to stand next to him, gazing down at Loki's still form. He had drifted into unconsciousness again, the pain obviously too much for his body to bear.

I sighed, "I think so, but he's lost a lot of blood and we need to get that wound stitched up as soon as possible." I replied and he nodded faintly, his gaze still fixed on Loki. Being here and seeing him in this state wasn't doing Fandral any favours. He needed a distraction, and I had just the thing.

Lowering my voice, I leaned closer, "Fandral, the main issue is that he has at least three fractured ribs. He must be in a lot of pain, do you know of anything that could remedy that? A draught, or a cordial of some sort?"

Fandral frowned in thought, pausing a moment before his expression brightened and he snapped his fingers triumphantly, "You know, I think I might have something. I'll be right back," he promised before practically running from the room.

I sighed, feeling my nerves relax a little now that everything was under control and Loki's wound had stopped bleeding. Picking up the small cloth from inside the basin of warm water, I sat down beside him on the edge of the bed.

He smiled weakly, "Look at you giving orders, it suits you."

I breathed a short laugh, shaking my head at him, "I thought you were asleep."

He smirked, opening his bright eyes, "What, and miss seeing you all so worried about me? Never."

"I think I preferred it when you talked less," I remarked, squinting my eyes at him threateningly and beginning to clean the thick blood from around his wounds.

"You don't mean that."

"Oh, I do," I stopped, meeting his gaze, "Do you have any idea how angry I am with you?" I asked, and suddenly all the emotions I had felt this morning while watching him with Fiske came flooding back. They had been forgotten when I realised that Loki needed help, but now they felt as vivid as they first had.

That trademark smirk dropped from Loki's mouth, a slight frown creasing his brow, "I think I can guess."

"You're a fool for what you did today. It terrified me, thinking that you might..." I stopped, the image of Loki falling to the ground flashing in my mind. The dread I had felt at that moment was sickening, as if I had been physically punched. I blinked back tears, closing my eyes briefly, "You shouldn't have done it. Not for someone like me."

When I opened my eyes again, Loki was staring up at me with a stunned expression. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the door bursting open behind me.

"Alva! Oh, my God, I heard what happened, is he okay?" Jane rushed towards me and I stood, leaving Loki's side to meet her at the foot of the bed. 

I forced a smile, "He's fine. Just as annoying as ever." I replied with a pointed glance towards him, just loud enough for him to hear. He grinned back innocently. 

"Did you bring it? Where's Thor?" I asked Jane when I noticed he was missing.

"Yeah, I got it. He went to find some bandages." She informed me, holding up her small leather sewing kit.

"Good. Could you thread a needle for me?" I requested and she nodded, setting to her task immediately.

"Alva, here, I found this." Fandral stepped forward from behind Jane, holding out a small vial half-filled with a bright blue liquid.

I took it hesitantly, frowning, "What is it?"

He shrugged, "Just something Eir gave me a while back. I was saving it for an emergency and I guess now's as good a time as ever. It'll knock him out for a few hours, so he won't feel any pain."

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