Chapter 16

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[Hi again! Hopperismydog drew the gorgeous art for me!! Thank you so much for that! That meant so much to me you can't even imagine. I love the red in his outfit too. It fits this story perfectly and sets it apart from canon.

Also, I stole the little nickname from a random comment from iceyprincessa

I'm going to be honest, this chapter feels really choppy but it's the best I can do. I hope it reads well.

Anyways, enough rambling. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!]

*Dream's POV*

Dream scrambled to fix his black sleeve so he could heal himself. He didn't know how much time he had before someone confronted him and he really wanted to be completely healed so (Blue) no one could use that as an excuse to see his arm.

It's just gray paint, it's just GRAY PAINT-

Dream sighed. He didn't know how much longer he could do this. He was completely in over his head. Hopefully he wouldn't drown before he figured out what to do.

He eyed his sleeve. It was definitely not his best but it would work for now. He quickly grabbed the bandages, ointment, and monster candy he kept in his bathroom cupboard.

He took care of the biggest wounds first before taking care of the many small scrapes and bruises and popping a candy in his mouth.

He sighed in relief as he felt his HP rise. He was fine. Completely fine.

A few minutes later, he heard a knock at the door. He hoped that Blue wouldn't be too mad at what he was about to do.

He steeled himself before smiling brightly and opening the door.

"Hi Blue! Listen I-"

That was not Blue. It was Ink.

Dream gulped.

Ink grinned. Well, kind of. He was simultaneously grinning and glaring. Dream didn't know how he did it but he was intimidated regardless.

"Why hello Dream! Today was sure interesting wasn't it?"

Ink's smile faded leaving only anger in his expression.

"Didn't I tell you what would happen if you messed this up? Oh Dream.... You really are too stupid for yours or anyone else's good. HATE! You have a guardian to visit!~"

Dream paled somehow. He frantically tried to talk his way out of whatever Ink had planned.

"W-wait no! I have a plan! I'm going to fix this! They won't know I swear!! I'll just tell Blue that I was helping you paint and forgot to wash it off before battle!"

Ink dead panned. Hate, now standing beside him stifled a laugh that he wasn't actually able to feel. All Hate felt was well, hate.

"Dream. Do you REALLY think Blue would fall for that? He's not as stupid as you."

"I- Ink I know that! But, listen he doesn't have to believe it. It will work even if no one believes it. I just won't let anyone near my arm and no one will have proof! It's fine! No one will know, please, no one will know...."

Ink burst out laughing. It was so unexpected that Dream wasn't able to stop himself from jumping.

"That would be hilarious to see you try to pull off! Oh wow.... I'm so glad you found out. This has become even more interesting than it already was!"

Dream sighed in relief. Ink looked back to him.

"Don't think you're off the hook Sunny boi. You still need to be punished but you won't be turned into a statue. You still have a role to play after all."

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