Chapter 4

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*Dream's POV*

We had a few more battles and surprisingly, they didn't use my newly discovered weakness against me. I don't understand. They're bad! Why wouldn't they want to cause more negativity and get me out of the battle?

I feel like I'm missing something. I am going to find out what. I am determined. That makes me excited. I don't get determined about things very often. I feel like a detective! (I am now embarrassed for having such a childish thought but, whatever. That's not the point.)

As I'm thinking, I get another text from Ink. Time to go. I'm going to pay extra close attention to their emotions.

The first thing I feel is annoyance. That one makes sense. Surprisingly, it doesn't come from Error at all. He feels resigned. I'm not sure if that's suspicious or not. It could just be resignation that he is going to be met with resistance, but what if it's something more?

I save a monster. More annoyance.

Blue starts facing off against Dust and Killer. Excitement and competitiveness. 

I- ok why not.

I almost face-plant. Humor.

Ink gets smacked into a building. Pride and excitement.

Blue gets a bone through his arm. Concern? 

Blue is ok. Relief. 

That's unexpected, but not unwelcome. The more friends Blue has, the less he'll get hurt. Not that he can't take care of himself! He's an amazing fighter. I just... why am I explaining? It's not like anyone knows what I'm thinking.


I make an exceptionally strong positivity shield. (If I do say so myself.) 

Is that a hint of pride? If it was there, it's gone now. I'm not brushing it off though. Not this time. I need to know if I am doing the right thing. If I found out I was causing more harm than good again, well, I probably wouldn't take it too well.

As Error succeeds in cutting down the last monsters, I feel something I never expected. Sorrow. There's also guilt and resignation mixed in. Does Error not want to do this? The codes are torn and the au starts collapsing. 

As the portal opens, they all feel relief. Before it closes, I catch the beginning of a joke. That's... actually really sweet. 


I start writing everything down. 

The resignation. The way Blue is treated. The pride. The sorrow. Their relief. The way they treat each other. I think they are pretty close. 

I now know for sure. Something is definitely up. I will find out what.

*2 days later*

I am keeping track of their aura's. I am planning on spying on them for a bit. There's only so much that can be found out on the battlefield. 

I feel Nightmare in an Outertale au. It's go time! 

I hide my aura and portal a bit away from where I feel them. Once I get there, I can feel all of them. They are happy. Even Nightmare. That makes me smile.

I get closer and I'm almost to the point of being able to hear them. They set up a picnic. 

A picnic? I... never pictured them of all people doing something so cutesy and wholesome.

I'm close enough to hear them now and I hide.

They are all talking and laughing. Did they just call Nightmare "Dad"? He didn't even get mad.

They were asking when Fresh, Geno, and Blue were coming. They are friends with Blue then. All three of them are part of the "good side." I'm confused to say the least.

Fresh poofs in and Error HUGS him. No. Freaking. Way. 

Isn't Error afraid of touch? I thought he hated Fresh too. ??? I'm SO confused! 

Error hugs Blue too. Error and Fresh hug Geno. They call each other brother? I- how does that even work?!

Nightmare looks so content. I can feel their happiness. They are more than allies or even friends.

They are family. Something I haven't had since I was 6 years old. The thing that makes life worth it. Ink must never know about this. I feel determined once again. So determined, my control over my aura almost slips for a second. That would have been bad...

Blue tells Killer that Classic, Red, Sci, and Lust wish him a happy birthday. They aren't able to come.

Just how many people are in on this??

Right as I'm thinking that, Outer shortcuts to the picnic. He brought some snacks too.

Gosh, I really haven't changed. I'm still that oblivious 6 year old from all those years ago. What else am I missing?

They sing Killer happy birthday and eat. They look so happy. I'm happy for them but I'm also a little jealous. My best friend is closer with my own brother than me.

I shake those thoughts away. No! Bad Dream!

About 30 minutes pass. Suddenly, Error gasps and clutches where his soul lay. 

"StUpId SqUiD. i'Ll Be BaCk SoOn. KeEp HaViNg FuN."

He's annoyed. He's also disappointed and sad.

The others want to come but he insists. Looks like I'm going to be distracting Ink.

I can't bear to let their outing end like this. The excitement is gone and in it's place, disappointment. I'll save the multiverse tomorrow. I really hope I'm not making a mistake.

I open a portal at the same time as Error so I can leave undetected.

Ink is admiring a brand new au.

"Heya Ink."

"Oh hi Dream! I just made another au! Come see!"

It's hard to believe this is the same monster that yelled at me for having a panic attack.

"That looks great Ink! Blue is out for the day but I thought we could go visit an au. I don't have anything to do and it might be a good team bonding exercise."

"I guess. Where do you want to go?"

"How about Candytale?" Once Ink is on a sugar high, he'll be out for at least an hour. I can give them that at least.

"Sure! I haven't been there in forever!"


The sugar high lasted longer than I thought it would. Two freaking hours. It would have been awful if I wasn't sugar high as well. The poor local monsters. I'm not sure even a reset could get rid of those memories.

I hope Killer had a good birthday and they all enjoyed the rest of their picnic. I go to bed with a smile on my face thinking about Nightmare's joy. He has a good life without me. I just need to figure out how to do the same.

[Dreamy is figuring it out! Should I do the party in Nightmare's POV or move on in the plot? Or a bit of both?]

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