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"I didn't feel like going." Kylian shrugs as Bastien places his dinner in front of him, "I wanted to hangout with you."

Flynn stares at him, "You can't just not go to your own teams press conference!"

He puts a piece of chicken in his mouth and shrugs again, "But I can choose to spend the day with my girlfriend instead."

She looks to Bastien whose begun pouring her wine, "Can you believe him!?"

The man chuckles.

From then on, Flynn makes a point of ensuring she's not interrupting anything that revolves around Kylian's career. She can't imagine what his team mates think of her, regardless of Kylian's reassurances.

As weeks past and the days become shorter, exam seasons hit Flynn like a tsunami. She begins spending almost every weeknight at Kylian's just so they can be in each other's presence while she studies.

"Are you sure that's healthy?" Jamie brings up on a Saturday afternoon. They've just taken a break from working to grab food.

"It's not like we have time to actually hangout," Flynn says, spinning a noodle around her fork, "I study all night while Kylian does physio, review, or is out."

"You stay at his place alone?"

She nods, "Most nights he doesn't get back from practice until late. I'm telling you, all we see of each other is a kiss goodnight and breakfast, hence why I stay over."

"So you can eat breakfast together?"

"It's better than never knowing when we'll see one another next, plus it was his idea."

And she was right. All December progresses they see less and less of each other, both caught up in their own lives. Flynn practically lives at the penthouse and yet she feels her and Kylian haven't gotten time to themselves in weeks.

Christmas sneaks up on Flynn and all of a sudden she's back in Canada trying to explain to her family how she ended up dating one of the most famous athlete's in the world. Kylian facetime's her everyday and they finally have the opportunities to talk.

By the time she gets back in early January, Flynn's been introduced to a new kind of longing. The FFF car that picked her up at the airport brings her straight to her Kylian's building where's he waiting out front.

Flynn springs out of the car and into his arms, "I missed you."

They kiss as if it's their very first time. Flynn brings both her hands to either side of his face as he says, "And I missed you, mon ange."

She smiles and hugs him. Their time apart has been excruciating for Flynn. She didn't realize how much she's come to rely on him in the previous months.

The couple head into the building. When the elevator door opens to the penthouse, Flynn comes face to face with a life size anatomical skeleton model with a big red bow on its forehead.

Her jaw drops as two arms wrap around her waist from behind, "Happy belated Christmas, ma chérie."

She turns in his embrace, "You got me a skeleton?!" Flynn kisses him then speeds over to the model to examine it.

"Oh my god, the joints are detachable! These one's are the most valuable on the market!"

The skeleton is held up vertically by a metal stand on wheels. Flynn plays around with the arms that bend around easily, watching how they can snap off and on.

"I'm glad you like it."

"This is the best present I've ever received!" Flynn hugs him again, "Thank you so much."

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