[ᴍᴀɴᴅᴇʟᴀ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛʏ]
ᴡᴄ: 507

they ran out of the car and Petra grabbed Jesse's arm, dragging him to the other side of the car with the others.

the cloud stopped ascending upwards and back and flew forward quickly. Gabriel had changed his position and facial expression. he was leaning forward, his hands around the front of the cloud. his eyes were wide and he had a giant smile plastered on his face, the corner of his mouth higher than normal, creating a cartoon-like evil smile. his wings were fully spread out behind him, gliding behind. Gabriel was still laughing, but now it was louder and powerful. he started to grow and become larger, the larger he became the darker the laugh became. the clouds started crowding around each other again, making the place dark and eerie.

"WAS THAT YOUR ATTEMPT TO GET RID OF ME? THAT'S YOUR GREAT AND MIGHTY PLAN?" he spoke huskily, his thunderous voice booming against the land. "that's cute, honestly. no really, you have the power of mighty hero's on your side and this is the best plan you could've conjured? hah!"

Jesse thought for a moment and got an idea, he waved Lukas over, making sure to not be obvious. Lukas walked over.

"Lukas, I have a feeling the only way to defeat Gabriel is to find some sort of weak point." "good thinking, I'll go distract him, find a way to alert the others and have them help me make a distraction while you find it."

Jesse nodded. Lukas threw him a potion of swiftness and when they turned back to Gabriel, they noticed Gabriel had his head tilted up, his wings spread far and arched up and over his head, creating a circle. there was a loud rumble as several small vortexes appeared in the darkened clouds.

Lukas ran left, towards a 20 ft tall hill/cliff. "follow Lukas." Jesse said to the other, signaling over to where he ran off to. the others seemed to get the message and ran in the same direction as Lukas, once they ran off, Jesse ran in the opposite direction towards a big tree that was next to Gabriel.

"oh Jesse~ where do you think you're going?" Gabriel questioned, the vortexes above swirling quicker, causing the wind to pick up. Jesse stayed focused and ran quicker. Gabriel's attention was directed towards the mountain where Mark had thrown a rock at him.

"your little game isn't going to work. whatever you're trying at, trust me it won't work." Gabriel spoke, turning towards the mountain and using his wing to swing at Jesse who'd climbed the tree.

Jesse grunted and by some miracle, he managed to hold onto the wing. he screamed as the wing high, as Gabriel tried to fling Jesse off. Jesse had his sword drawn and stabbed it into the wing to support himself, climbing higher. "get off of- agh shit!" Gabriel yelled out, jumping at the rock that was thrown at him suddenly.

"you will not get away with this!" Gabriel yelled, slamming his fists.



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