[??? 9:30ᴀᴍ]
[Aᴅᴀᴍs ʜᴏᴜsᴇ | ᴍᴀɴᴅᴇʟᴀ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛʏ]
ᴡᴄ- 525



"Jesse!" Ivor said, in a tone that was happy but also angry. "wait, you know him?" Mark asked, lowering the gun. "yes!" Ivor and Petra cried. "that's what I've been trying to tell you!" Ivor said. "sorry, sorry. I just have a hard time trusting new people." Mark said with a sigh. "yeah, that's just what happens when you've been living in a world of alternates for so long," Adam added. "alternates?" Ivor echoed. "we'll explain that later." Petra said, taking her back off of the wall. Jesse noticed there was a bullet hole not far from Ivor and Ivor holding his sword and sighed. "what happened? we heard screaming and gunshots." Lukas asked, stepping into the room.

"well first your friend appeared here and I was freaked out because then there was an alternate in here as well. I almost shot your friend because I thought he was another alternate." "why did you think he was an alternate?!" Petra interrupted. "because alternates can shape shift and look and sound human." Mark said coldly.

"that's what that thing was?" Ivor asked to which Mark nodded. "well how did you get rid of it?" Lukas asked, looking around. "I killed it with my sword." Ivor explained, putting his sword away. Mark thought for a minute and sighed.

"I didn't know you could kill them that easily." Adam said, leaning against the doorframe. Mark shook his head. "okay, I made breakfast.. let's just go eat and we can talk about it." everyone agreed and entered the kitchen.

while they ate breakfast, they caught up with each other. Ivor had been tending to his wound and keeping an eye on Beacon Town for a while before deciding to join the three through the portal. Ivor also went on and told Jesse that Beacon Town was doing okay, Radar had been taking good care. Jesse was glad to hear that- I mean he never doubted Radar but it was nice knowing there were no threats.


it was afternoon, the others had gone their separate ways to do their own things. the attic door creeped open, causing the figure sitting at the table to jump and drop their pen at the sudden noise. it had been quiet for the past couple of hours.

"oh, Mark, you're here." Petra said, entering the attic. "I thought Jesse was here." Mark shook his head and leaned back in the chair to stretch. "no. him and Adam both went to take a nap after lunch."

Petra walked over and sat in the chair opposite of Mark. "what are you doing up here?" she asked, placing her arms on the table. "well I got bored and decided to try to figure things out myself." Mark said, his eyes unchanging from the paper. Mark inhaled and eyed the paper, licking his lips.

he tapped his fingers against the table and placed his pen down. Petra looked at Mark, trying to read his expression. something seemed.. off. "Mark..?" her tone was gentle and laced lightly with concern.

Mark met Petra's gaze after a moment.

"get everyone else.. I.. I think I figured it out."



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