[Tᴜᴇsᴅᴀʏ, Mᴀʏ 15 2016 | 10:00 ᴀᴍ]
[Bᴇᴀᴄᴏɴ Tᴏᴡɴ | Jᴇssᴇ's Hᴏᴜsᴇ]
WC: 572

Jesse was fast asleep, curled up under his covers. he was tired from Founding Day and was glad to have a day to himself. suddenly, there was knocking at his door that woke him up. he stirred before sitting up and yawning. rubbing his eyes, he rose from his bed and went to answer the knocking. when he opened the front door he was greeted by Radar.

"oh! I didn't know you were asleep, my deepest apologies, Jesse. I didn't mean to wake you." he apologized. Jesse just shook his head. "it's okay, it is already almost noon and I should've been awake by now." "right. I have a message for you from Petra and Lukas. they said they'd like to meet you at your old treehouse."

Jesse was a bit surprised. his old treehouse? they hadn't been there in what seemed like forever. what could Petra and Lukas want to talk to him about there? "my old treehouse?" he echoed. "yes, they were wanting to talk to you about adventuring again." Radar answered, trying not to fidget with his hands. "ah, okay. I'll go get ready and I'll be right out."

once Jesse reappeared dressed in his classic outfit and with his hair neatly brushed, he nodded at Radar. "alright, I'm ready to head out." Radar smiled and led the way to the gates of Beacon Town.

they made their way through town and out to the treehouse. upon arrival, they were greeted by Lukas who was sitting on the ground in the shade underneath the treehouse. he was writing away in his book when he heard footsteps. he looked up and closed his book when he saw Jesse and Radar. "ah, there you are!" he said, smiling. he stood up and went over and gave Jesse a hug.

"good to see you." Jesse said, returning the hug. "oh, you brought Radar." Jesse nodded and Radar gave Lukas a smile. Lukas returned the smile before turning to Jesse.

"Petra's waiting inside." he spoke, putting his notebook in his satchel. Lukas led the two inside the treehouse. Petra was sitting talking with Ivor when she spotted Jesse.

"Jesse! I thought you weren't going to make it." Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, "sorry, I was asleep when Radar came to get me. I was just tired from Founding Day yesterday." he explained. Petra nodded and stood up from a chair. "so, what did you bring me here for?" Jesse asked. "well, you know how you've said you missed going out and adventuring, right? we've missed it too so I thought maybe we could go out adventuring again." Petra explained.

"Ivor suggested we go portal hopping." Lukas added. "what do you think?" Jesse thought for a moment. "y'know what, yeah lets go portal hopping. I miss the thrill of going through new portals, waiting to see what's on the other side."

"and the thrill of danger!" Ivor said, standing up from a different chair. "yeah, that too."

"so uh, what will you do about Beacon Town while you're out, Jesse? I figure you guys will be gone for a while." Radar asked, fidgeting with his hands. "I'll put you in charge, you've never disappointed me." Jesse answered with a smile.

Radar's eyes lit up. "I won't let you down!" "I knew you'd be up for it." "alright, then it's settled. let's gather some gear and we can head on out." Lukas spoke.



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