[Tᴜᴇsᴅᴀʏ Mᴀʏ 15 2016 | 4:25 ᴘᴍ]
[ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʟ ʜᴀʟʟᴡᴀʏ]
ᴡᴄ: 666

"wooo!" Jesse cheered, tumbling out of the portal. Lukas and the others caught up to him. "man, this is fun! I'm glad you decided to come along with us, Jesse." Lukas spoke with a smile. "yes, I am glad too, but I'm afraid I'll have to stop for today." Ivor said. Lukas and Jesse turned around to see Ivor holding his arm.

"oh no, what happened?" Jesse made his way over and Ivor held out his arm. "I.. tripped when leaving and fell into a blasted thorn bush." Jesse examined his arm for a moment. Ivor tore some skin off, causing it to bleed and the wound was red and angry with a few small thorns to top it off. "doesn't look too good. you should go and get it cleaned. wouldn't want it to get infected." Jesse said, standing upright. "there's a few thorns in there too."

Ivor nodded and brushed himself off. "thanks Jesse. again, I'm sorry to have to leave so soon, but it was fun going through the first two portals." Jesse nodded. "I think we'll go through that black and red portal, so if you want to meet with us again, that's where we'll be." Lukas said, after looking around. "alright, I'll be back later. safe travels!" Ivor said before turning to leave.

they watched Ivor leave before turning to look at the portal Lukas was talking about. they made their way over to it and immediately noticed something felt off. something about it seemed to tell the three that what they were about to step into was no good. it wasn't anything about the portal decorations or the way the portal looked that made it feel this way- all through the portal did seem eerie with its black and red color palette- but more of the vibe it gave.

Petra noticed this and frowned. "how much do you guys want to bet this one's going to put us in a lot of danger?" she asked, reading the feeling she got, crossing her arms. "it is a p--" Jesse started before being cut off and sucked into the portal with Petra and Lukas being dragged in along after him.

they fell through the air before landing on cold moist grass. they groaned and started to get up. suddenly, as if things weren't bad enough, Jesse and Lukas were caught and dragged either way into a place that was unrecognizable with all the damage done to it. Petra started to run after Jesse before being dragged herself.

the three were pressed up against a wall, held by strangers that grabbed them. in the middle of the wall was a walkway. Lukas was on the left, Petra and Jesse were on the right. whoever grabbed them had covered their mouths to prevent the three from speaking.

they were about to break free and argue with the strangers when they heard something from the other side of the wall. a chuckle of some sort that sounded almost inhuman. it was echoey and a bit disoriented. they peered around, careful to not be seen by what was on the other side of the wall.

on the other side was complete darkness and a floating face. the face was very eerie, it was like someone took a smiling picture of a man and used it as reference for a drawing where they practiced negative spaces except made it unsettling. he had a grin plastered on his literal paper white face with piercing black eyes.

Petra, Lukas, and Jesse looked at each other with "what the fuck" written over them. this wasn't like they've seen at all nor did it look like something they'd handle with ease. sure, they defeated a wither storm but this? this was a whole different story and a bigger problem when there's only three of them.

thank god the strangers grabbed them; who knows what would've happened if they were spotted by that thing.

this was going to be interesting for sure.



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