Chapter Sixteen: The Final Battle

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            "Is that

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"Is that...a very large gorilla?" the Doctor squinted.

Si and Alicia were stricken as soon as they were able to identify more of the titan gorilla's features. "Not a gorilla, but an ape," the former said.

"And not just any ape," Alicia stated. "That one's named 'Kong'!"

"Kong," Stacker repeated the name with approving interest. "So that's what he's called. Mako and I weren't sure which name best suited him."

"It's the name that he associates with across the multiverse," Si told him.

"What I'm more focused on is if he'll work with us to fight Cthulhu," Jake said.

Alicia shrugged. "There's only one way to find out."


            "Sober as I am right now, I sure wish I was drunk

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"Sober as I am right now, I sure wish I was drunk."

That was the one thing that came over Debbie's mind as she looked out of Maureen's TARDIS with Ruth and Samuel. Even though the trees in the Forbidden Forest were tall enough to obscure all of Hogwarts Castle, they weren't enough to obscure the behemoth that was Cthulhu. The mythical beast roared to the heavens before it began slamming its tentacles – balled up into gigantic fists – down upon what Debbie and Ruth presumed to be Hogwarts Castle. Their collective hearts skipped, believing that Cthulhu had destroyed their friends and everyone else there. Samuel believed it as well, clinging and sobbing into Debbie's hip.

Her motherly instincts kicking in, Debbie knelt and comforted the crying child. "It's O.K., baby. You didn't hear a crash, right? That means they're still alive."

Ruth realized she had a point. She coupled that with Cthulhu's rage, as it continued hammering on the castle to no effect. "They must have some sort of forcefield or something," she gathered, feeling like she was acting in one of those fantasy shows that only lasted one season, with the way she talked.

"Hogwarts is just full of tricks, ain't it?" They heard Skeeta speak behind them. They turned to see him and Penz dressed in what looked like futuristic scuba gear, putting the final touches on the last pylon – a five-foot tall, high-tech chrome antennae that was alien design with strange hieroglyphics etched along the casing. Skeeta and Penz had made seven of them altogether.

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