Charanko on his knees was facing the heroes that stood around Saitama's table. Those heroes were merely looking at him in confusion.

"Sorry man, but I'm not really sure myself." Saitama said to the white belt student.

"I do not know." Genos replied.

"Bang? He did this to you?" Fubuki questioned as she began munching on a plate of cookies.

"Silverfang is known to be calm and collected. But I'm not sure what could set him off?" Spider-man next to Fubuki wonders as well.

King turned his head from the TV to look at Charanko, "Don't know if you saw but we're trying to play games here."

Tatsumaki tilts her head, "Look, Shrimp, just go home, I'm sure Silverfang will come to realize what he's done soon enough, maybe he needs some space."

Charanko just remained silent, 'I guess the group has grown.'

Genos decided to inform him of an incident that happened at the Hero Association headquarters, "However I can make an educated guess, it probably has to do with Garou."

Spider-man and Fubuki's eyes widened a little, Charanko blinked in surprise, "Garou? The guy who was kicked out of our dojo after he went berserk on our students. What'd he do?!"

"So you have not heard. Garou is now a criminal and has been added to the Hero Association's wanted list. Bang has volunteered to take him down."

'Unbelievable. Garou, a monster?' Charanko said in his head.

"There was an incident at A-City's headquarters. I am sure you know of this incident, but knowledge of this has been hidden from the general public. To summarize, Garou may be more dangerous than any of us suspect, and so Silver Fang may be trying to keep you out of harm's way."

With a look of despair on his face, Charanko thought, 'Master Bang... Was I... holding him back?'

Fubuki looked at Charanko's despair as she started to feel bad for him, becoming a burden was a heavy thing to bear. 

Genos continued, "In any case that is simply my hypothesis. Your thoughts Master?

"I don't know, man. I mean it's not like I know the old dude all that well or anything." Saitama said.

Realizing he wasn't going to get any more useful info out of these people, Charanko stood up and stated somberly, "Alright, if that's all you guys know, then I guess I'll be heading home."

With that being said, Charanko leaves the apartment, Fubuki sighs as she begins to stand up, "I'll walk Charanko back home."

Tatsumaki looks in her direction, "You sure?"

"Yeah. Besides, the kid is practically my junior in a way since Bang was teaching me. He needs a bit of comfort after what Bang did to keep him safe."

"Want me to go with you?" Spider-man asked as he stood up but was stopped when Fubuki placed her hands on his shoulders.

"That won't be necessary. I'll be fine." Fubuki replied with a smile as she kissed his forehead making him blush under the mask, "Once I drop Charanko off at home, I'll head home from there."

Spider-man watched her leave the apartment as he sat back down, he was starting to get nervous for some reason, have doubts but he puts those aside because he trusts Fubuki.

A voice interrupted his thoughts, "Web-head." Tatsumaki also snapped her fingers to bring him out of his trance.

Spider-man looks at the powerful Esper, "Yes, Tatsumaki?"

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