letter to a special bean

15 3 0

It feels like it's been near forever,
since we've written a story together

Do you remember it? I often do.
And it makes me think of you

I don't want to finish it without you,
As much as it's mine, it's yours too.

I leave it be, returning to reread
The pieces I have kept with me

And sometimes I sit and wonder
If you've written any others

Have you met another writer?
Someone funnier and brighter?

Someone who is far more free
To talk with you regularly?

Someone who you've actually met,
And not a stranger on the net

Who writes this now behind a mask
Because they are too scared to ask

It feels like it's been near forever,
Do you still want to write together?

Paper girlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang