going dark

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An invisible beast has sunken it's teeth
Deep into the bones beneath
My skin and left a thousand holes
And shaken me to my very soul

Is it strange to have my mind
Stirred by nightmares of such kind
Aren't I too young to worry about
The legacy I leave behind

Works unfinished
Songs unsung
Words unsaid
So much not done

Apologies I didn't even
Have the chance to make
Or opportunities and paths
I never got to take

A tapestry barely begun
And already torn to threads
Half a verse of lyrics
Echoing in my head

My lungs are heavy and growing tight
Pull close the sheets and dim the light
Blink and what was once sunrise
Is already time to say goodnight

Where has all my time gone
What happened to the spark
It doesn't matter, I'm far too tired
The lights are going dark

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