letter to S

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Where do you run to,
where do you go
On nights when you
Don't come back home
When I lie in my bed
In the dark all alone

Are you hiding from me
Did I chase you away
Was it something I did
Or failed to say

I'm swimming in tears
I'm restless without you
I'm lost in a mind
Numbing haze

The weeks are a blur
Is it me? Is it work?
When did I last
Feel at all well?

Kept from my friends
And my family,
trapped In a silent
invisible hell

Thoughts of a break,
Time to breathe and get ready
For a dearly beloved friend
And his wedding

Float through my mind
In the turbulent sea
Of Thoughts I'm
Just barely treading

Even when writing this
It's only briefly a
Moment of peace
I can borrow

Before once again
I am swallowed up
Whole and thrown
Into another tomorrow

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