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Come home from a family visit
Wanting to confide
But afterwards wishing I
Had just withheld or lied

A screaming match between us two
That I yet again lost
Sends me running out the door
Into the autumn frost

Grab my keys and blanket
Hide out in the car
Sobbing through my gritted teeth
Until my throat is raw

Will you throw me out I wonder
Panicking because I know
If I'm forced to leave tonight
I have nowhere to go

Don't break me like this
Don't chase me away
You must know, in the end

Should you say goodbye
I swear
You'll never see me again

Call me selfish ask me
How can I take the word
Of my mother and my father
Over the rest of the world

Don't do this to me I beg you
Please don't make me choose
Between the two of you who
To lie or tell the truth

Don't blackmail me
Don't twist my arm and
Tell me night is day

Don't break me into pieces
Please don't chase me away

Some days you can apologize
And I'll still call you friend
But snap me in half like you do
And I promise our story will end

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