The accident

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"I'm so sorry Evie they are gone"
My mouth hung open in shock, i felt sick a ball of pressure accumulated in my chess.
As i stood outside my class  there was so much going on around me people shouting, bells ringing, doors shutting.
But everything was silent i couldn't hear a thing i was so upset, next thing i know everything went black and i felt my legs go like jelly then I felt my body hit the floor .

When i open my eyes i'm in the hospital, i'm not sure what going on around me but when i look to my left i see my best friend Lana. " Oh my good hun you scared the shit out of me what the fuck happened!!"
I don't say anything i just look into nothing remembering what happened earlier
"My parents are dead"
her head snaps towards me shock on her face pain in her eyes. her parents loved her just as much as me, they called her their 'second child'
" Evie i'm so sorry babe what can i do?"

"Nothing i feel numb, i just walked out of class when i saw i had 10 missed calls from henry so obviously i called him back and he told me then i just remember everything went silent and black."


Yesterday was horrible, when i woke up this morning i called henry and he told me to come home for a bit i agreed. I thought it was a good idea so now i'm packing my bags ready to go back to California.
Last night Lana took us back to our dorm lucky we were roommates, i stayed up all night and cried, she stayed by my side the whole time. Now she's helping me pack my bags.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your flight ?"

"Yeah I will be fine, thank you for everything babe I don't know what I would do without you"

"Okay well let me know when you get to the
airport and please call me when you land."

"I will I promise, love you bye."

All my bags were packed and I was doing the last checks to make sure I had everything. Then I left my dorm to drive to the airport it was about an hour so I just listen to music and try not to think about anything to much.
I got to the airport and got to my gate i sat down and waited for my flight to board, i read my book for about an hour then I had to get on my flight i text Lana and Henry to say I'm getting on the plane.
I landed and Henry was waiting for me i tan up to him and have him the tightest hug.

"Are you okay how was your flight?"

"I'm not so good after that phone call yesterday but my flight was good I tried to sleep but I couldn't so i just watched some movies, how are you what happened?"

"Im okay, and I got a call yesterday morning from the police that mom and dad got in a car accident it was a very bad on the highway two other cars involved another person died and another seriously injured."
Tears started to fill my eyes.
"Oh god it's so horrible I can't believe it"

" I know it is Evie but let's just not think about it and go home you need to try and sleep and some food."

Now I was on my way back to my family home I still lived their as when I left collage I was moving into my own place. But this time when I returned there would be no mom to hug me and make me my favourite home cooked meals or no dad shouting at the t.v because the Los angels Rams were playing.
It would be empty and quite

Authors note !!
Okay so this is the first chapter done I can't believe it I hope everyone enjoys this story please comment and vote if you have any ideas please comment them o would love to hear your feedback through this story.
Lots of love 🫶🏼

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