*award ceremony*

Começar do início

"we need to leave them" i say. The group start to walk out and i go by Lee know

"hey" i say, linking our arms

"hi" he smiles back "you look very pretty by the way" he compliments

"hm i know" i say back. He rolls his eyes and disconnects our arms

"i see how it is" he sighs, moving away from me

"no i'm sorry" i laugh "you look very handsome too" i say, smiling brightly at him

"i know" he exclaims, flipping the non existent hair off his shoulder.

"why you-!" i cackle, running at him

"ah!" he yelps as i push him "i'm sorry!" he laughs, running down the corridor as i chase after him

We get to the building where the award ceremony is being held. We walk through the crowd outside, waving at the fans surrounding us. We get into the building, all eyes on us as we walk though. I guess we're a bit late. I look around the room and find that most of they eyes are on me, all of them watching my every move. I see Sunghoon sitting at a table with the rest of the members near ours

"Hoonie!" I laugh, holding the bottom of my dress and running over to him

"Soonie!" He chuckles, turning to me. I'm pretty sure Sunghoon is the only person who calls me Soonie (A nickname he made based off of my birth name)

"You're here" I smile, hugging him "and so are you guys" i say, turning to the rest of the members

"Hi, sunny" Sunoo greets, waving at me

"hi" i smile "hey, Jake" 

"Hae" he laughs, holding his fist out for a fist bump which i take

"Have you been nominated for anything?" Sunghoon questions, turning in his chair to face me

"Only group stuff i'm pretty sure" I tell them 

"You didn't get anything for your album?" Jay asks

"Don't think so" I shrug

"But it was so good" Jungwon smiles 

"thanks" I chuckle, patting his head "well i'm going to go sit down" i sigh, looking back at my eight members 

"Oh by the way you look amazing" Sunoo smiles

"you really do" Ni-ki adds, looking up at me

"thanks guys" i chuckle, patting Ni-ki's shoulder "oh and Sunghoon i'll see you on the weekend right?" 

"mhm" He smiles 

"well bye" i say, waving at them. I take my seat beside Hyunjin and Lee know. i start to talk but i get interrupted by someone poking my shoulder

"yeah?" i ask, turning around to face the person. I have no idea who this man is, i probably should but i don't. He is balancing on the back legs of his chair so he can be closer to me and i can see Lee know turn around as well

"i was wondering if i could get your number?" he speaks. The whole table goes silent as soon as they hear him all of them turning their attention to my answer

"um no" i say, the sighs of relief of the members sounding behind me

"oh why?" he asks

"i just- um- i don't-" i stutter not knowing what to say "I have a- well-"

"she said no, leave it alone" Hyunjin tells the man

"fine" the unknown man groans, turning back around

"wow, did not expect that" i laugh, turning to face the boys again "thanks Hyunjin" i smile

"no problem" he says "oh it's about to start" he tells the group as the host goes to the mic. I didn't really listen to the solo awards since i wasn't nominated for any, so the whole time Hyunjin, Lee know and i were speaking with Chan glaring at us every now and then. As we were playing a game of rock, paper, scissors the announcer started talking about the nominees for 'the best female solo album of the year' The screen started flicking between the nominees as we started our second game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who would pay for dinner. It was between Hyunjin and i when i heard my name being called

"and the final nominee, Hae with 'The Muse'!" in the blink of an eye the camera is in my face. I look from the camera to the group who are cackling, waving and putting up peace signs.

"what!" i mouth to the boys, they only laugh and shrug

"you didn't know you were nominated?!" Han asks, clutching his stomach from his laughter

"no! I don't read my emails! I'm not old like Chan" i exclaim "i mean what's the possibility i actually win" i shrug, turning to the boys "say i won't win!" i yell

"you won't win!" they all answer. I turn all my attention to the host and they open the card

"and the winner is..."she starts "Hae!" she exclaims, putting the card down to clap. I turn to the boys who are already up and clapping, i push my self out of my seat and walk towards the stage. I shake the hand of the hosts and accept the trophy, making my way to the microphone

"Well.."i laugh, holding the award out and looking at it "i'm going to be honest i had no clue i was even nominated for this award" i laugh along with the audience. I start thinking of things i could say when the screen infront of me changes to the boys. They are all looking at me, their faces beaming with pride and their eyes filled with tears that threaten to fall. As i look at them a feeling of overwhelming gratitude and love washes over me. Where would i be without them? defiantly not accepting an award for the best album of the year. I take a deep breath and start "i would like to thank my members. Chan for always believing in me, Changbin for always making sure I'm taking care of myself, hyunjin for making sure I'm never alone, Han for never getting bored of me, Felix for always understanding me, Seungmin for always making me laugh, I.N for always keeping me busy and.." I say, tears brimming my eyes. I look at Lee know, his eyes focusing on me "and for Lee know who always makes me feel loved. I have no clue where I would be without you guys and I am thankful every single day that Chan walked into that practice room" i smile, wiping the tears from my eyes "and thank you to everyone who listened to my album. I love you guys so much and thank you for supporting me and Remember Dream Big!" i finish, waving to the audience and walking off the stage, my eyes trained on the members. My pace picks up and as i get close enough i wrap them all in the arms, the people around us continue cheering and clapping.

"We're so proud of you, Sunny" Chan laughs

"i love you guys" i sob. We separate and go back to our seats, listening to the host. Lee know grabs my hand under our chairs and squeezes it, i turn to face him and he gives me a look, a look i've learnt means i'm proud of you. We went home that night with two more awards. I shower, do my skin care and end up in bed by 10pm. I flick through tick tock and find an edit. It has a song in the background and my voice in the back 'And for Lee know who makes sure i'm loved' it shows all the moments fans love of lee know and i with his voice at the end 'While Hae is in this world i'll never be truly alone' and it ends. That was a really good edit. I like it and add it to my favourites. I scroll again and find one just like that but with the group and i, my whole speech playing in the back. I scroll a bit longer and find one of just me with the sound 'untouchable' in the back. It shows me walking up to the stage, accepting the award and then walking back down. I scroll longer until i'm tired, falling asleep immediately

Sunny |9th member of skzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora