20 A psychic or a witch or a clairvoyant

Start from the beginning

Briar was at her appointment and that gave Vani time to walk around the plaza. There was a thrift store she had never been to and a pizza place, but her eyes fixated on the tiny store in the far corner. It looked almost like an after thought. The other stores were big and bright with florescent lighting and neon signs. The little shop had painted windows and a purple door.

Vani wandered over to the shop and admired the gold paint on the windows in filigree designs and the crystals that sparkled in the windows.

She entered the store to a soft flowery scent in the air and a warm cozy atmosphere. There was a fireplace on the outside wall with over stuffed chairs positioned around. Acoffee table hosted a bunch of books. Counters with hand made jewelry lined the walls and eclectic art pieces hung from the ceiling.

"Good afternoon! How can I help you today?" A plump lady with shocking purple hair asked poking her head up from behind a book case.

"I just saw your shop and really wanted to check it out." Vani smiled.

"Well, come on in!" We are still having our boxing day, winter solstice, post new years sale. Everything on the back wall is half price and anything you see is negotiable." The woman grinned.

"This place is really neat, do you make this stuff?" Vani asked letting her fingers gently run along the beaded necklaces hung on a wooden rack.

"Some of it. We have a collective of women who contribute. We all work the store and make our own art to sell." The woman arose from the stool she had been sitting on and used a cane to maneuvere around the stack of books she had been shelving.

"Well it is just fantastic. I have a friend who would love one of these. How much?" Vani asked holding up a beaded necklace with a crystal pendant.

"Oh, um twenty I think those ones are." The woman toddler towards where Vani was looking at the jewelry.

"Perfect. I think she would like the pink and frosty coloured one." Vani decided.

The woman took the necklace off the stand and gestured for Vani to follow her towards the back of the store where Vani assumed the cash register was located.

"Did you look at our sales section? Lots of great stuff there too. Have a look while I ring this up." The woman suggested.

Vani looked over the sculptures and hand made paper cards, the soaps and the jewelry. She came to a section of leather goods. There were wallets and belts and little sachel bags. Her fingers grazed the stitching on the edge of the bracelets as her mind wandered to both Joe and RC. She wondered if either of them would wear a bracelet like that.

"Thinking of getting one for your boyfriend?" The shop lady asked.

"Which one?" Vani replied before her brain could stop her. She blushed a bright red.

"Oh! So there is more than one boyfriend?" The woman smiled.

"Sort of. I am seeing two different guys and they are so ...different." vani shrugged. She handed the woman the exact change for the necklace.

The woman had wrapped up the necklace in a nice little box and put it into a bag. She reached across the counter and grasped Vani's hand as she gave her the bag.

"One of those boys loves you already, and the other loves the idea of you. Your heart will find the right path. You will find the right one." The woman said making eye contact that made Vani a little light headed.

"Thank you." Vani couldn't think of what else to say to the strange woman.

"When you come back you will already know." The woman said vaguely but it sounded so reassuring. Vani just nodded and made her way back out into the cool late winter air.

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