2 Don't sit in the Rain

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The day of the Exam Vani looked at her ripped jeans that sat in the bottom of her closet. She had discarded them, intending to fix them. Yeah, who was she kidding? Those jeans were doomed to live in the bottom of the wardrobe until the end of school only to be thrown out. Vani returned them to their place of shame before looking for something else to wear. She didn't have a huge variety of clothes so losing her favorite jeans took away more than half of her outfits. 

"Briar! I need new clothes." Vani yelled across the room at her friend who was styling her damp hair. 

"We can go thrifting this weekend!" She said excited for the hunt. Both girls loved the thrift stores for very different reasons. Briar loved finding treasures and Vani loved saving some of her self-imposed limited budget. 

"Yes! Perfect!" Vani said turning back to her lack luster choices. She picked a pair of black leggings and a giant sweater. 

"Do you think Landry would want to come?" Briar asked over her shoulder. 

"Pffttt, I have no idea. You can ask him." Vani said wrapping her crazy long hair up in a top knot. 

"You have to let me do your hair one of these days. What is the point of having hair down to your ass if you tie it in a knot every day?" Briar asked.

"Sure, yeah." Vani shrugged. She didn't care about how her hair looked. The only reason hit was so long is because she hated maintaining short styles. 

"We should get going. Landry is going to meet us outside." Briar said shoving her feet into some soft boots. December was not the time to worry about looks, it was the time to snuggle up and stay warm. 

"What is with the Landry talk all of the sudden? What would Mack think?" Vani asked getting her coat on and tugging a hat over her ears. 

"Mack knows I have friends and besides, we aren't doing the couple thing any more. We are doing the friend thing. Also: I'm not hanging around Landry for ME..." She wiggled her eyebrows. 

"Gross." Vani shook her head. 

"I thought you liked Landry?" Briar seemed surprised.

"Yeah he is great, YOU are gross." Vani said pushing her friend out the door and locking it behind them. "Landry seems awesome. but not at all my type."

"What is your type exactly? I have known you... what? like four months? and there has never been a type hanging around or taking you out." Briar said leading the way down the hall.

"My TYPE is very specific, he has to have a brain and not be an asshole." Vani nodded like she was contemplating. 

"Well there are a few of those around here, I would hope! You need to get out there and just find a guy to have fun with. Ya know what I mean?" Briar teased as they walked through the building.

"Sure! I mean I am totally easy, I just go jump into bed with any old person. You know me always hoping from one lover to the next, can't barely keep their names straight!" Vani said sarcastically watching her feet on the stairs before looking up at Briar who's face was bright red and her eyes were sparkling with amusement. 

"What?" Vani asked knowing something was up. She dropped her shoulders and turned to look where Briar was looking. RC. DAMN IT! That guy was around every corner these days! Did he have the only first class ticket on the humiliation express?

"RC so nice to see you again! I hope you are having a lovely morning. Good luck on your exams!" Vani said waving like she was a princess on a parade float as she walked past him and out of their dorm. 

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