14 Deal!

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Monday morning Vani sat in her first class with a coffee in one hand and her chin in the other. The class was by far the earliest class she had and it wasn't sitting well. She had her eyes closed and her coat still on when someone bumped her gently on the shoulder and in true Vani fashion she dropped her head smacking her forehead of the tiny desk and then throwing her head back tossing her already cold coffee into her own face. She wiped her face with her wet sleeve to see Joe standing with a shocked expression on his face. 

"Morning." He greeted but didn't move. She had coffee dripping off her nose and her coat Her hair was wet wit it and it was seeping into her shirt. 

"Fuck." Vani said looking at herself.

"You want me to get you some napkins or something?" He looked lost and a little scared. 

"Nah, I keep wipes in my bag for situations like this." She dismissed and handed him her now empty cup. She took off her jacket and folded it backwards to prevent it from dripping any more than it already was. She found her wipes and cleaned her face and her desk. Joe slipped into the one beside her. 

"How is it that you can get up and be at work for five am, but an eight am class has you frazzled?" He asked watching her clean herself up. 

"Two reasons, I love my job and I hate lectures." She said grumpily making him smile at her little noises of discontent. 

"Well this lecture is going to be your favorite." He said with the goofy grin still plastered to his lips. 

"How do you know?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"Because I'm here, obviously!" He offered her a piece of gum and she took it. 

"Well that is actually going to make this early morning class much more tolerable." She nodded popping the gum into her mouth. The room was actually getting pretty full for a morning lecture so the din of noise increased making Vani feel like she had to talk right into his ear or yell. 

"Tolerable? Gee thanks." He looked at her pretending to be offended. She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Sorry, you're right, It's going to be great." She said into his ear and smiled at him. She looked down at her now coffee stained sweat shirt. She groaned. The shirt was wet and she decided to hang it off the back of her chair until it was dry or she could wash it. She stood up at her seat and pulled her shirt up over her head as the room went from voice-filled to silent. She struggled to get the sweatshirt off but she had forgotten she had tied it. Now her shirt was over her head and she was stuck in it. 

"VANI!" She heard Joe gasp and she instantly knew something was wrong. She fought with the sweatshirt that she had worn hundreds of times. It had worked just fine the last time she had worn it, she fought with the sweatshirt trying to at least her her arms free when she felt someone helping her. She assumed it was Joe helping her and she felt his hands on her arms stopping her struggle. He freed her t-shirt from the binds of her sweatshirt freeing her sweatshirt to be pulled off. She stood facing the professor who had watched the whole ordeal with her fighting her shirt and nearly loosing. The rest of the students had also watched her stand with her t-shirt caught in her sweatshirt leaving her standing in the lecture hall with her mostly naked torso, bra on full display. Joe had helped cover her as quickly as possible but she still stood on full display for the entire room for ten to thirty seconds. 

"Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great break, I wanted to say Welcome to Anatomy and Body Systems! Thank-you for joining us today. Over to you professor!" Vani said like she was co-hosting a telethon. 

"Thank-you for that... interesting... introduction. This is Anatomy and Body Systems. There are four programs in this lecture and your particular interests will be addressed in your specialized classes. We will begin today by going over the generalized over view of the syllabus and the expectations from this lecture series. ..." The professor began and clicked off most of the lights as the giant board at the front of the room lit up with projected slides. 

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