12. Meilin Naively Insults Dongfang

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"Emotions are truly troublesome," Qingcang muttered with a scowl, tilting his head slightly as he looked at Meilin.

Meilin sighed in response as she understood that Qingcang was cold and distant regarding emotions. "You know, if it weren't for my emotions, I wouldn't have developed the mental strength to overcome many life obstacles. My heart has led me to incredible places and experiences," she said, trying to explain to him the importance of emotions.

Qingcang raised an eyebrow, clearly curious but also skeptical. "Your heart?" he asked.

Meilin nodded, grabbing her spoon and looking Qingcang directly in the eyes. "Yes... Oh, you don't know about the heart?" she replied, surprised that someone as powerful as him did not understand human feelings. 'Maybe he's not as emotional as I thought,' she thought as she raised an eyebrow.

"The strong don't need to know about such things," Qingcang replied, his irritation showing through.

Meilin fell silent, realizing it was impossible to explain to someone like Qingcang the value of emotions. She suspected that it might have to do with his kind - perhaps his species did not have any connection to the heart. Despite this, she could not help but speak up. "My heart has driven me to seek adventure and freedom, pursue my passions, and give my life meaning and purpose. If I didn't have a heart, I wouldn't be the same person sitting here talking to you now. My heart has shaped me into who I am today - a well-known strategist and an artist."

"A strategist and an artist..." Qingcang murmured softly, lost in thought. Meilin's words had reminded him of his past before he had become the Moon Supreme. He had always been interested in creativity as a child, but his duty as the Moon Supreme Lord consumed him. Despite his desire to hold this venerable title, a part of him had longed for his passions and adventures, just like she did now. As a child, he had yearned for freedom, and now, sitting across from him, was a female embodiment of his former self - but she was free from the responsibilities of ruling the three realms.

Meilin leaned forward, her eyes excitingly bright as she spoke about her strategic abilities. "Yes, my strategies are top-notch," she exclaimed with a wide grin. "I may not have physical strength, but I am fortunate to have the talent of creating brilliant plans to win every fight, no matter the circumstances."

Qingcang arched an eyebrow, his expression calm. "Then why were you so paralyzed when you saw Yichen?" he asked matter-of-factly.

Meilin's expression faltered for a moment before she quickly recovered, taking a bite from the food on her plate. "I... don't know," she admitted quietly, her eyes downcast.

Dongfang Qingcang leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Meilin. "Tell me the truth," he demanded, his voice firm. The Moon Supreme was known for his powerful presence and commanding authority, but her gaze penetrated his soul as if she knew something he did not. At least, that was the feeling he got from her.

"I truly... don't know," Meilin answered, surprised by her own honesty as she met Qingcang's unwavering gaze. As the tension stretched on, she spoke up again, her voice hesitant. "Oh yes, I have a question for you," she said, breaking the silence. "When you said that you don't need to understand the heart, does it mean that your people have difficulty understanding it?"

Qingcang's gaze remained fixed on Meilin's as he considered her question. He was momentarily distracted from the delicious food in front of him on the table as he reflected on the many things he had overlooked, especially concerning matters of the heart. Memories of his past before he became the Moon Supreme flooded his mind, reminding him of a time when he had been different, being someone who felt all the emotions: joy, love, hatred, sadness, and more. It had been a long time since he had felt these feelings, but ever since he met her, he had been able to experience a small taste of what life used to feel like. It was overwhelming, to say the least.

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora