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I walk downstairs to see Tiffany, Lucas dean Liam and Vicky

"I have to fly back home something came up"

"Do you need-"

"I don't need anymore damage's Lucas" l glare at him

He stood there bowing his head down

"Dean, Liam your coming "my eyes wondered but nothing "where's Jackson" l never liked the guys but l just had to bear with him

"With the kids"

I nod "guys let's go" with that they followed me



"Babe don't worry he'll come around" she says rubbing my back

"I deserve it l broke his trust"

"No you did what was best for Ari"

"And look where's she is now" l sigh

"It's not your fault"

"I know but-"

"No buts come on let's go downstairs lm sure he'll forgive you, he's missing ari we all are" she sighs "what lm trying to say is he needs time"

I nod kissing her on the forehead "l love you"

"I know you do"

"Aren't you going to say it back"

"Should l"

I roll My eyes heading towards the door leaving her in the room


While l was downstairs with the kids and my eyes landed on Lucas and Tiff

"What took you so long love birds"

"Your the one to talk tiff smiles"

I roll my eyes "do l need to remind you lm happy being single" l smirk

"Aren't you the girl who was crushing on Thomas" Lucas asks in a serious tone


"Yeah still crushing"

My cheeks began turning red l look away hiding myself

"So yes "jack adds

"Not going"

"Oh shut up!"

Adela looks at me

"Shit, shit" l cursed loud enough they could hear

Shii- Angel tries to say

Tiff glares at me giving me the look what you did now looks

"No Angelica that's a bad word we don't say that"


"Yes Adrian we'll put her in the naughty corner"

"What you can't be serious"

Tiffany gives me that look

I sigh walking to the closest corner l could find while they All laugh at me

I smiled at least they smiling it's been awhile since Ariana, how l miss my best friend please wake up we all need you most of all your family needs you


darkness was all l could see Taylor!


All l could hear were Taylor and my children's words

Mommy! My girl trying to wake me up but l couldn't oh how my baby boys words broke me


But most of all Taylor's words echoing in my head

Please Ariana please wake up so you could give me a chance to make you my queen

I'm coming Taylor!!

I'm coming.........then darkness took over me


"Uncle J Angelica Walls to me"


"I want mommy and daddy"

"I know mommies gonna wake now let's go sleep"

She nods

I picked her up  Heading to there room all three slept in the same room due to space in the penthouse ,was not big l place her down on the bed where the other two were sleeping l kissed them each on the forehead just like Ariana did l sigh whispering a good night, closing the door l walk downstairs only to hear my phone ring l walk towards it placing the phone on my ear



"Hey how you doing" l smiled yeah long story short when l came to London, met Mel and were dating yep

"I'm good l heard what happened and lm back at the hospital"

"That's great love"

I stayed on the phone with her for about  hours  oh how l love this woman wait love! My thoughts cut by sounds on the other side of the phone

"Shit so sorry Jackie l have to go l love you" she hung up the phone before l could even a thing

What did she just .......

Say she loves me!!!!!!

Next morning


They all woke up as l was making my way downstairs everyone was all over the place Adrian was watching while Adeline was complaining about something to Lucas and jack poor guys don't even understand anything she's saying l laughed at them while vick and Angelica were making breakfast l smiled how l wished Ariana could see this

"Morning everyone"


I walk to Vicky and and Angle "what you guys making"

"Fwiuts and panies" Angel said making me smile jack excused himself taking a call l looked at Vicky then Lucas jack came in making us all stare towards him "l got a call from the hospital" he took a deep breath

Ariana is awake.................................

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