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Two weeks later .....

I wake up to an empty bed l turn to the left grabbing my phone to see l had a doctor's appointment l smiled getting out of bed heading to the bathroom,l look towards the mirror holding my belly l was proud and scared at the same time 4months l rubbed gently just 5 more my babies l just had a gut feeling there were twins l smiled l wanted to find out the gender when l gave birth


I sat in my office talking on the phone for almost an hour

"How long will this fucking DNA sample take huh "!

"It will arrive today boss"

"It better be" l sigh ending the call l stared at Thomas,

Thomas stared back" when are you gonna tell"

I sigh "when the test comes in" l grabbed some whiskey placing it on my lips "any leads?"

"No looks like he fled the country"

I threw the glass to the wall breaking it "fucking shit these bitches are fucking training starting tomorrow no fucks given l don't need any whining nor complaining l have been to easy on you guys"

There was dead silence  when we had a knock revealing to see my beautiful hot girlfriend

"Did l come at a bad time"

I stood up from my chair "no Thomas"l looked at him signaling were done with this conversation Thomas walks to the nodded leaving us alone

"You ready princess"

"I thought you forgot"

I walk towards her wrapping my arm around her "l would never princess "

She smiled looking at me "l love you"

"I love you too now let get going princess"


She hopped onto the bed a male doc came in and l immediately didn't like the way he was looking at her

"Babe" she looks at me like she knew what l was thinking

"Can we get another doc"

"Sir is there anything wrong"

"Yes you"

"Taylor" she looks at me 'Calm down he's just checking"

"Fine" l rolled my eyes causing her to chuckle "cute"

Carefully watching his every move So he doesn't do anything stupid


Taylor kept watching him as he puts gel on my lower belly and he would comment things like "not too low , watch your hands" l wanted to laugh at how cute he looked, placing a device on me pressing hard on my belly

"Don't hurt my baby"

"Tay it's okay"

"Correction sir babies see"

We looked at the screen and l smiled knowing l was right l looks over to him to see shocked in a happy way

"Would you like to hear the  heart beat"

please as soon as l heard it l fell in love l couldn't wait have them hear tears started dripping down my cheeks

"Princess are you okay"

"Yeah happy tears"

"Would you like to know the gender"

"No we'll find out when she gives birth" Tay added 

Doc nodded "l'll be back"

I nodded


we walked into the house l sigh l wanted nothing more than to sleep he holds my hand and l smiled looking at him


"Yeah you have no idea" As he was about to say something when a men in came towards us

"Boss the DNA results have arrived"

I looked at the guys confused DNA "what DNA"

"Ma'am the DNA to see if the baby is his or not"

"What baby"

he looked hesitant to the answer "that's all the information they gave me"

"Taylor! "l shouted

He sighs "Selena has a child and it might be mine "


pregnant by a MafiaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin