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Taylor pov
I had a meeting to get to l didn't wanna leave her but l had to "Thomas make ari feel comfortable" "yes boss" he nodded as we walked down the hall l couldn't help enter ari's room to check up on her l walked in not waking her l bend down and kissed her forehead she turned, she looked beautiful"I'll see you later princess" l walked out heading to the car


Ariana pov
I headed out of my room l wanted to check the place out as l walked down the hall a men dressed ln black walked up to me "hey you new here""kind of" while crossing my arms he kept flirting with me ,he seems nice "lm Lucas" we kept chatting until we reached outside we sat on the ground chatting ....

Ahh!what a long day l couldnt wait to see her l saw her with Lucas l rolled my eyes annoyed was l jealous seeing her with Lucas she seem to enjoy to talking to him l walked over to them with my hands ln my pocket "Lucas l need you to do something" "well l gotta go nice meeting ari" with a smile it kinda made me a little mad but l didnt show it...

Ariana pov
Tay sat next to me"miss me princess"with a smirk l rolled my eyes, "you better stop rolling your eyes at me unless you wanna lose the abilty to walk"he came closer making me blush"will see about that"l bit my lip pulling my face closer to him making our lip almost touch as we were about kiss Thomas lnterrupted "boss!" Taylor growl annoyed so did l we looked at Thomas

If looks could kill he would be dead "l'll see at dinner" he winked kissing my cheeks"wait dinner"confused he left without answering me l headed lnside it was getting dark ,walking down the hall l couldnt help noises from the other room l made my way to the door l put my head on the door and listened
Boss! They won't pay us an unknown said Taylor's voice raised "IF They won't pay kill them"he seems angry l wanted to hear more but l heard a voice behind me"what are you doing" a men dressed ln black walked over to me fuck! How many man are there l had to pretend l didnt hear that" l-l think lm lost" he raise his eyebrow "do you need help" y-es l noded with a fake smile he led me to my room l closed,sat on my bed l had to know whats going on, l had to get ready l was meeting tay downstairs l put on grey sweatpants,black top and white snickers, tied my curly hair ln a ponytail l walked out room taking stairs l really didnt wanna see Taylor's men l reached downstairs l saw tay but he wasn't alone a blond girl stood next to him..................

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