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"Are you sure you gonna be okay"

"For 10th time Ari l'll be fine plus l have Mel with me"

"Okay guys time to say bye to uncle J and Mel"

They all came at him at once hugging him all most making him fall then went to Mel

Bye !!

"Bye uncle J's gonna miss you"

Taylor called them to come into the car and they all ran man there so energetic

I walk to jack hugging him "thanks for everything jack l couldn't have done it without you your truly like a brother to me"

"A brother you once had feeling for "

"Oh shut up! you had feeling for me too" I laughed

I then hugged Mel "same goes to you Mel thank you for everything you've been there for me ever since l gave birth" l smiled

"Yeah and she thought you and we a couple" Jack says while laughing

I laughed as well

"Well- "she groans "never mind "

"Jack as always liked you ever since he saw you l might even say love" l winked at her

"Shall we go" Tay walks back to us

I nod



"thank you for taking care of my family when l couldn't" he smiled

"Don't worry its what family does" jack smiled back

We waved good bye before getting into the car and already was complaining

"Mami Mami they took all the food"

"Daddy l didn't"

"mommy  not me"

I Look at Tay before sighing this is gonna be a long ride


We go into the plane thankfully they all fall asleep l smiled then looked at Taylor doing his work


He hummed softly

"Can we talk"

He shut down the laptop Putting All him attention on me

"Look l know Luca broke your trust but please don't do this to him l told him not to tell u he just wanted to help if there's anyone you should be mad at is me"

He sighs" l could never be mad you l know l been harsh on everyone not only Lucas but Thomas l wasn't in the right state of mine and l know that's not an excuse l needed someone to blame on and it was wrong"

"So you'll apologize"

He nods "l will"

"You know they too deserve a break"

"Look who's calling the shot's"

"What can l say l am the queen"

"Using the queen card are you"

I smiled at him causing him to chuckled "damn l love you so much"

"And l love you too my king".......


We soon landed  l got out out with Adrian laying peacefully on my upper chest while Taylor carried both heading to the car l go placing Adrian's head on my lap l look at my left Tay grinning ear to ear

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