Erotic Carving

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KIM & Ella - we're listening

Ara - Guys we can't do anything because KIM disturbed us in between "in low voice"

Ella - "death glare" UNNIE

KIM - "😅" U-m-m..why are you wearing his shirt huh!!

Ara - My Gosh 😒 wait I'll tell you

KIM & Ella nodded in yess 👍


Jungkook - Hyung's wife is really a CRACKHEAD 😆


Jungkook - Btw let's do dance practice for that party

Ara - Yea "she's in her world"

Jungkook put his one hand on her waist and interlocks the other hand with her. Both were dancing peacefully but jungkook broke the silence

Jungkook - We did it well, I never thought you're so good at it "laugh". After doing all this I thought this time no-one would get suspicious of us and this will also help us.

Ara- hahaha "fake laugh" Yeah!!

Jungkook - Btw board gets suspicious of us. So we need to act do it cleverly

Ara - Yeah!! I also get to know about this. They're also sending someone tomorrow to our house.

Jungkook - Not only for tomorrow "sigh"

Ara - WTH "shouts"

Jungkook - Yeah!! Her name is Claire and she's a house worker and her eyes will be us

Ara - What seriously..!!!! WTH is this

Jungkook - This time the board gets suspicious so at that party we need to do well or else we'll be caught. And now we also have to do act in house

Ara - My Gosh 😒 Now we need to do this in house too "in her mind - I'm so done with my life"

Jungkook puts his hand on her cheeks to comfort her.

Jungkook - I know it's kinda tough but we have to after that we'll free from all this "in calm voice"

Ara's POV -

MY BELOVED COLD HUSBAND Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant