He grabbed my phone and put it on the top of the island. I was frozen by his action. What's with him and taking my phone? "Would you rather sit through your drunken state or would you rather sleep it off?" Heeseung asked.

I stood infront of him for a long minute. Well I didnt really want to sleep. I didn't want to be alone. Why couldnt he understand that? After a long time of not answering in any way, Heeseung slowly stood up. He towered over me, looking down at me.

I looked up hesitantly. Our bodies were so close. I could feel his body warmth. "You want me to stay with you that bad?" He asked, slightly bending down so now our faces were close. The tension was getting heavy.

Not a bad tention either. You know what I'm talking about. I got flustered and backed up. Heeseung didnt stop me. I think he found it amusing. I shrugged, not sure of how to respond.

I suddenly felt awake. He chuckled. "Alright, go to sleep now. I shouldnt keep you up." Heeseung spoke softly, sitting back down on the chair. I grabbed my phone and typed something real quick.

"If I go to sleep are you staying here?" Then showed him. I could tell he was holding in a laugh. I shoved my phone back in my pocket. He bit his lip back and smiled, looking at me deep in my eyes.

The tension was killing me. I seriously started to ponder if I should kiss him but I knew I shouldnt. God...what is he doing to me? I just knew my face was getting red so I spun around and flew up the stairs, flopping onto my bed.

I heard Heeseung step up a few of the stairs, one of his hands pressing onto the bed. I shyly looked at him. "I'm leaving. Sleep some alright?" He said quietly. I nodded.

With that he was gone. I let out a big breath. I plugged my phone in and slowly let myself drift into dreamland.

September 26th, 2020

All 8 of us were in the practice room. I had woken up feeling off of course. Heeseung hasnt spoken to me since he left yesterday. What am I supposed to say after an encounter like that? The look in his sparkling eyes, his smirk, the way he spoke.

Not to mention the type of tension that was rising. I wouldnt blame him for ignoring me. Anyway, at practice we were doing the choreo for Flicker. Due to my harsh headache I wasnt feeling so well and I felt uncomfortable by it.

Due to my hangover I kept messing up on some things. The choreography corrected me every single time and I kept bowing as an apology. I'm usually a better dancer than this. Heeseung was right, I shouldn't have drank.

My shoulders slightly stiffened on accident. Heeseung saw it in the mirror and snapped at me like he did back in I-land. "Jeongmi, how many times do people have to tell you about your shoulders? Fix it." He demanded.

I nodded. I tried to relax my shoulders but it was like fighting demons. I got frustrated with myself, sighing deeply. We continued with practice and Heeseung kept giving me looks, noticing that my shoulders were still a bit stiff.

Believe me, I was embarrassed of it too. The day was so long considering we also had a shoot to do after. Though I did really like the concept of the shoot. The other members filmed and so did some staff.

At one point I heard a staff say something before they were about to film me. "Should I film her? Its not like she will say anything to the camera?" He said to a fellow staff member. "Fans will me outraged if you dont so just have her wave or something." Another staff suggested.

They were kind of whispering but I could still hear it. It made me feel disheartened. Sorry I'm so boring jeez. The shoot lasted for hours. When it had ended I was first to leave and go back to the practice studio.

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