19. Pillow Fight Delight

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Therefore, the fact that the sun blared into the room was extremely frustrating. Why was it coming in? Were her curtains drawn?

Allira peeked through her eyelids to see the reason for the sun's early glare. The windows didn't have any curtains, none at all. That was odd, Allira always made sure to close her curtains before bed, because of this specific situation. She could have sworn she had curtains.

This was when she remembered, realized that this was not her room. She was in Bakugo's room, still in bed with him.

She made a mental note, that was the first thing she was going to change. Bakugo needed curtains, not just because she liked her sleep, but she didn't want anyone looking in and seeing her in BAkugo's room.

She took a second to read her position before she made too much of a ruckus.  Because she didn't know if Bakugo was awake yet, and she didn't want to disturb him.

Using her senses, she felt the pressure of Bakugo's arm under her head and another around her ribs, tucking into her chest. Which she realized she was holding tightly with one of her own arms.

Her heartbeat escalated upon realizing the closeness of their position, but dared not move from it. She was incredibly cozy and warm, if she listened close enough she could hear his breathing behind her ear. He didn't sound asleep so she took the chance and turned herself over to face him.

Large arms loosened their hold of her as she adjusted, affirming her suspicions of Bakugo being awake. Once she had properly faced him, they made soft eye contact. Her vision was blurry, but she was close enough to see him with her extremely nearsighted vision.  Though, it didn't stop her from doing her famous squint.

"You're already awake?" She asked, knowing the answer, since his face was void of all evidence of sleep.

"Yeah." Bakugo nodded, his voice low and gravely. There was the evidence, his morning voice was extremely sexy.

"How'd you sleep? Hope I wasn't taking up too much room." Allira rubbed her eyes, trying to see a bit better.

Bakugo almost chuckled. The question was simple, and the answer was obvious. It was the best sleep he'd had in his whole life, better than she could even imagine.

"Fine." He shrugged.

Takari sighed in relief, as if she was worried about his sleep patterns.

"But you drool." Without hesitation, Bakugo decided to have a little fun with her. Interested in her reaction.

"What?!" Takari lifted her body onto all fours, horrified by the statement. The girl started stuttering, apologizing furiously and moved her hands around the bedding to try and find the notorious drool pool.

Her reaction couldn't have been better, Bakugo's arms crossed over his belly and he laughed out loud. "You should see your face." 

"Wait, you're not serious?" Pillow in hand, Allira froze.

"Relax! Yes, I was joking." He wiped an amused tear from his eye.

It was a mistake to make fun of her while holding a deadly fluffy pillow. Aggravated Allira strengthened her hold on the pillow and slammed it into his face.

"That's not funny!" She continued to hit him with fluff as his laughs repeated.

"Geeze. Are you always this physical in the morning?" Bakugo grabbed the pillow and held it over her head, which pulled her face close to his.

Frozen in the moment, the pillow fight ended and something different started. Allira's eyes drifted around Bakugo's charming features, from his jawline to the intense look in his eyes. His lips looked rosy and ready, while the mess of his hair stuck out in morning tufts. He was beautiful. A beautiful man. Thought she would never tell him that.

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