Chapter 9: Out of Body Experience

Start from the beginning

"What does ducks having sexual intercourse have to do with any of this?" Mifu wondered, she may be the airheaded princess trope personified.

"I don't know why but the idea of certain animals having sex was always funny to me." Nico joked before speaking in a seductive voice. "Like I'm just imagining a duck go: 'quack quack~'. 'Oh quack quack quack~"

"Quack quack daddy~" Rico joined in the fake duck sex, causing the entire courtyard to be filled with an awkward yet amused feeling.

How many of these kinds of moments has Jack forgotten because of his memory loss?

After a while of joking around with one another, all of them noticed that the sun had set a long time ago, and the area was only lit by several floating lanterns. Jack was curious about the lanterns, but decided it would be best to head to bed because they have their first class tomorrow at like 5 in the morning. Well, it was more like a tour to familiarize the students with the campus, but Jack still had to be on time. Jack looked at the keys to his dorm, which had a keychain that showed him his dorm number. Jack's room number was number 69, the perfect number for Jack. Jack walked to the dorm rooms, and one by one, all his friends separated until it was only Alice and he. They walked through the halls until they arrived at room number 69.

"Looks like this is my stop." Jack pointed out, and Alice looked both confused and excited.

"What a shame, if only I was in the dorm next to you." Alice did a series of over dramatic turns and spins before stopping at dorm number 68. "OH FUCKING WAIT."

"Gods you are so over dramatic." Jack chuckled at his goth friend's energy. "Hey, did you mean it when you said you would sneak me here?"

"Of course I did, I don't lie about shit like this." Alice informed her best friend with a small smile. "I also wanted to achieve our dreams together, like we've always done since we were kids."

"Alice, do you think I'll ever get my memories back?" Jack asked the girl, who looked at him with melancholic eyes.

"According to what the doctor said, the boulder hit your head hard, he said that your memories will be close to impossible to come back." Alice looked down towards the ground with sorrow. "So, I guess we'll have to make new memories to replace the old ones you lost!"

"Do you blame yourself for what happened?" Jack questioned the girl, and her black bangs covered her eyes.

"'s kind of my fault to begin with." Alice quietly answered, and in response to this, Jack walked towards the girl and hugged her, catching her off guard. "Eh? What are you doing?"

"Trying to make you feel better, obviously." Jack sarcastically replied, causing Alice to let out some stifled laughter from how bad his joke was. "Stupid jokes aside, please don't blame yourself. I most likely threw myself in the boulder's way just to protect you, so don't go around blaming yourself for this, capiche?"

"Gods, you're one of the only people I know who unironically use the term 'capiche'." Alice laughed, and her laugh was nice to hear. Better than her crying.

Alice and Jack said goodnight to one another before breaking the hug. Alice and Jack opened our dorms, and when Jack went into my dorm, Jack lost sight of the girl. When Jack entered my dorm, Jack noticed how there was a large window on the opposite wall of the door, facing outward towards the city. Jack walked towards the window to examine the outside of it, and Jack noticed how high up Jack was above the city, and Jack felt like Jack was in a fancy hotel in a city, looking at the city below.  It was nighttime, so Jack saw nothing but darkness covering the city like a blanket. However, in the windows of every building, Jack saw a light. To think that every light represents a person living their life.

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