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A/N: Inspired by ET but really this is just a joke


Haseul knew she was out of her mind, how could she not be?

What sane person hears a suspicious noise at night and follows it for 12 miles in their pajamas without stopping?

Clearly her, or she wasn't sane (which actually seemed a lot more likely).

Suddenly she fell backwards, it was so unexpected she didn't prepare and fell flat on her back, hitting her head hard against the pavement.

She didn't really have much time to worry about the bruise that was forming though, as suddenly a light shone on her. 

Her eyes were probably lying to her but Haseul could swear there was a UFO floating in front of her. 

She proven correct as seconds later, the UFO was landing right in front of her.

'Jo Haseul,' she heard a deep voice call out, 'you have been chosen for this task, are you up for the challenge?'

Okay, Haseul was freaking out right now, who was this person, how did they know her name, what was she chosen for and why was she chosen?

The deep voice chuckled, 'I see that you are curious, don't worry, your questions will be answered in due time.'

Well apparently the deep voice could read her mind, that wasn't terrifying at all.

'I asked: Are you up for the challenge?'

Right, Haseul should probably have answered that the first time and was about to say yes until she realized she didn't know what the challenge was.

'Umm, would you mind telling me what the challenge is?' she asked timidly, not wanting to offend the mysterious voice.

The deep voice laughed again, this time sounding more creepy, 'All I need is for you to take care of my friend here, she's doing a research project and had to come for 72 hours, can you do that?'

'Of course! But why me?' Haseul asked, not quite understanding why she of all people was chosen.

'Well Hyunjin and I talked about it for months but we decided that you were the best option as you're so open minded and non judgemental!' The deep voice answered, her voice sounded more warm now.

'Yeah but Haseul's really lame!' Haseul heard a very childlike voice yell.

'Yeojin shut up, I don't even know why I even brought you here!' The deep voice chided, presumably to the child called Yeojin.

Haseul thought about it, it would be nice to have someone new to hang out with, even if it was just for 72 hours. 'Yes, I'll do your challenge, but only if you tell me who you are,' she demanded.

'Oh, I'm terribly sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Heejin from planet Loona and I'm the captain of this spaceship,' the voice giggled, sounding slightly higher pitched. 

Great, Haseul thought, I've got to take care of an alien for 72 hours. 

'Oh honey we aren't the aliens, you guys are!' Heejin laughed manically as the doors to the spaceship opened and a woman who looked very human stepped out.

'This is Vivi,' Heejin introduced, 'she's a scientist and wants to learn about the beings on earth, please treat her well.'

Haseul took a proper look at Vivi and noticed that she was actually very beautiful. Her beautiful features were looking at her quite confusedly though and Haseul didn't really understand why.

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