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A/N: I miss Chuu and Choerry :(((


Jinsoul frantically looked around her room for her missing sock, she had packed everything else but that pesky little sock had suddenly disappeared. She liked to think that she was quite an organized person so this was very unnatural.

She and 9 of her friends were going to spend a week in Haseul and Yeojin's family home to meet up before the college year started so she was trying to hurry but she still couldn't find her sock!

Her doorbell rang just as she went under her bed and immediately her phone got two notifications. As she tried to get out from under there, she bashed her head on the underside of the bed.

Rubbing her head, she picked up her phone and clicked on messages.

HaSoo: Bitch we're here, open the fucking door

Jungie<3: Hey princess, we're here now! Can you please open the door?

Jungie<3: Don't feel like you have to rush, we'll wait for you, take your time 

HaSoo: We've been waiting for ages, hurry tf up

She smiled at how different the messages were from her best friends, which was funny as she knew Jungeun and Sooyoung were very similar.

The two of them had come to pick her up from her apartment so really it was only fair for her to open her door to them.

'Finally,' Sooyoung sighed, 'It's been hours.'

'It's literally been 2 minutes,' Jungeun deadpanned.

'Whatever,' said Sooyoung, 'can we just go now? I don't want to be late.'

Jinsoul looked up worriedly, 'But my sock...'

'It's just a sock, you'll be fine without one sock,' said Sooyoung impatiently.

Jungeun glared at her pointedly, 'We're finding the sock.'

'It's okay, Soo is right, it's just a sock,' said Jinsoul, even though the missing sock really was stressing her out.

'No, I know how anxious you'll get if we leave it and I don't want to see you like that, we're finding it,' Jungeun commanded.

Jinsoul's heart bloomed at Jungeun's thoughtfulness but she just nodded.

It didn't take them too long to find it (Sooyoung had found it at the bottom of the laundry basket) so they piled into Jungeun's car.

'Thank god we're going now,' said Sooyoung, lying down across the entire back seat.

'Why are you so stressed about getting there early anyways?' Jungeun called her out.

'No reason, I just want to be punctual,' Sooyoung said quickly.

Jinsoul narrowed her eyes, 'It's Jiwoo isn't it?'

'No,' Sooyoung lied.

The youngest laughed from the driver's seat, 'You need to get better at lying Soo.'

'And you need to confess soon,' Sooyoung shot back.

Jungeun suddenly swerved to the left, 'What?'

'Jungeun focus on the road,' said Jinsoul, trying to ignore her bubbling jealousy. Did this mean that Jungeun liked someone?

'Sorry princess,' Jungeun flashed her a smile.

Jinsoul felt her cheeks heat up at the nickname. It wasn't anything new, Jungeun had been calling her "princess" since they met but that didn't stop the older girl from blushing every time she heard it.

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