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Disclaimer: I don't like cockroaches.


Yerim was trying to read her book in peace until she was rudely interrupted by Heejin shrieking extremely loudly. 

Immediately chaos started to occur (it was LOONA's dorm after all) but not in a normal way. All the members filed into the living room and settled themselves over the couches. She saw Haseul come out into the living room with a megaphone in one hand and something squishy and black in the other. 

'All of you are not to go into the bathroom near Heejin, Jungeun, Chaewon and Vivi's room until I can fix this!' her voice boomed through the speaker, 'Do you understand me?'

There was some muttering from the members but nobody really said much.

'I said: Do you understand me?' Haseul repeated sternly.

'Yes Ma'am!' Yeojin stood up and saluted her, 'We understand you!'

Haseul glared at her, 'Don't call me ma'am!'

Yeojin rolled her eyes and walked straight into the aforementioned bathroom, acting like she couldn't hear Haseul's frantic yells after her.

Seconds later Yerim heard another shriek, again interrupting her reading. This time though, it was an excited shriek rather than an afraid one.

Yeojin came out of the bathroom smiling widely, 'Guys there's a cockroach infestation!'

Almost at once all the members starting to groan, Chaewon even ran into the bathroom to puke before realizing that she had gone into the infested one. She came running out of it and rushed into another but didn't get there in time and threw up on the floor.

This then caused Hyeju to puke too and Haseul was shouting with her megaphone once more.

Yerim didn't really get why they were all acting this way, what was so bad about cockroaches? For the past week she had been asking them to go with her to the annual cockroach festival but nobody had agreed. Sooyoung gave her a disgusted look when she asked. At least Jiwoo had the decency to look slightly apologetic. Even Jinsoul and Jungeun who would normally agree to anything Yerim asked for in a heartbeat said no!

When she had asked Yeojin, the younger girl had looked extremely sorry but gave the excuse that she had to do her chores on that day. This made Yerim feel bad about asking her but she supposed that Yeojin was just a very good actor.

She had stopped asking after a few days and when the day finally came, she was completely sure that none of them even remembered.

The event was happening in a different district and she wasn't able to book a train ticket so she was going to have to walk. She had planned to just slip out at night when everyone would be sleeping. She was going to leave out the window of her room since Chaewon, Jinsoul and Sooyoung were probably still awake in the living room.

There was a ledge on the other side of the window and just below there was a balcony she could jump onto. From that, the jump to the ground wasn't very much and Yerim was pretty sure she'd be able to, if Jungeun could, couldn't she? 

As she packed her bag, she thanked the gods that Hyunjin slept like a log. The girl slept so deeply Yerim could swear she hadn't even moved since she went to bed. 

She was lucky that Sooyoung wasn't in the room at the moment, the older girl would've woken up the second that Yerim pushed the covers off her!

She wasn't so lucky with Yeojin though.

When her left leg was on the other side of the window she heard some rusting and almost fell out the window when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

'What are you doing?' Yeojin asked, looking extremely scary even in her pale pink pajamas and fluffy slippers.

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