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A/N: Manifesting Jungeun with bigger tattoos.


Sooyoung groaned loudly.

'What happened now?' asked Jinsoul for the fifth time that day.

'The human world is suffering a lot now thanks to Satan and there's only so much I can do,' Sooyoung grumbled.

'But you're god, can't you do literally everything, including saving the world?' asked Jinsoul curiously. 

'Not when Satan herself is so purely evil,' Sooyoung slumped, tired of always trying to keep the world in balance.

To her shock, her best friend was laughing loudly.

'How is that funny?' Sooyoung was a little offended that the angel found it funny.

'Satan is definitely not evil, she is like the sweetest, most adorable being ever!' Sooyoung was worried now, wasn't Satan supposed to be evil?

'Then who is ruining the world?' asked Sooyoung.

'That hot demon!' said Jinsoul.

'What hot demon?' asked Sooyoung.

'You know, Satan's most important devil, like I'm your most important angel!' said Jinsoul excitedly.

'How did you even interact with a demon? And how did you manage to interact with the most important one?' Sooyoung was confused.

'It's my job to interact with devils!' said Jinsoul, starting to explain.

Jinsoul was sent to earth for a mission, this was a normal occurrence as that was literally her job but this time it was slightly different.

She would normally be sent into a human's mind and try to stop them from doing bad things. Often she would have to argue with a demon but she would always win (even that particularly feisty one called Vivi). This time however, Jinsoul found herself losing terribly.

'You can't make her kill her! What kind of sadistic maniac are you?' asked Jinsoul.

'I'm afraid I'm just doing my job,' said the devil.

Jinsoul felt the power of that devil just by standing next to her so resisting was proving very difficult. It also wasn't helping that the demon was wearing tight fitting leggings and a leather crop top exposing her abs. Jinsoul found it very hard to look away from that.

She slapped herself, 'You're going to go to hell if you keep having these sinful thoughts.'

While Jinsoul was full on gay panicking, the demon had managed to get the person to kill the other.

Jinsoul gasped at the horror that she had caused, she had never lost to anyone.

'Minds aren't the only thing I dominate,' said the devil, smirking before disappearing.

Jinsoul gulped and slapped herself again.

'She's insufferable and oh! Why does she have to be so hot?' asked Jinsoul, putting her head in her hands.


The second time Jinsoul and that devil interacted was in the mind of someone who was debating over scamming someone out of $1,000,000.

Once again, Jinsoul found herself losing terribly to the demon.

This time she was wearing a sleeveless shirt and her arm muscles, particularly her biceps, were extremely defined. Her arms were also covered in tattoos of all sorts, ranging from random patterns to detailed depictions of epics like the Odyssey. Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail so Jinsoul could see the many piercings that the devil had all over her ears.

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