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Every weekend, Yeojin, Hyeju, Chaewon and Yerim would have soccer practice and who would drop them off was organized in a rota. They would be taken by either Sooyoung and Jiwoo, Jinsoul and Jungeun or Haseul and well, this Saturday it was Haseul's.

And she was not looking forward to it.

The drive there was about 30 minutes which may seem like not very long but being in a minivan with four 10-12 year-olds for 30 minutes on the way there could feel like hours, not to mention that there was the way back as well.

Apparently the 9-13s were getting a new soccer coach so that was worse news. Whenever a team got a new coach, it meant that parents were required to converse with them for copious amounts of time and the team wouldn't actually do any training. Every time it had happened so far, the coach wouldn't that great and when they finally became good, there would be a new one.

Haseul did not have high hopes or expectations.

Then the doorbell was ringing.

Crap, she had forgotten to wake up Yeojin and Sooyoung and Jiwoo were already here to drop off Hyeju and Chaewon. Damn them for being so punctual.

Haseul ran into Yeojin's room and pulled off her daughter's comforter, hearing loud protests almost immediately, before sliding down the banister (yes she knows it's dangerous, she's heard it enough times from Jinsoul) and opening the door.

She was shocked to see that both Jiwoo and Sooyoung were in formal attire with their hair and makeup done. Hyeju and Chaewon on the other hand, were in their kit which looked like it hadn't been ironed in years. 

Sooyoung stared at her suspiciously, 'Why do you look like you've just woken up? Did you forget about us coming?'

'What? No! Of course not!' Haseul lied, trying to seem cheerful.

Then Yeojin slid down the banister (you can guess where she picked up the habit from) in her very wrinkly soccer kit, matching Chaewon and Hyeju perfectly.

That was when Haseul remembered that Yeojin had slept in her kit so she wouldn't have to change in the morning, and that was why it was wrinkly. Haseul couldn't tell if this was very smart or very stupid.

Yeojin was dragging a brush through her hair that had most likely not been brushed in days, 'Why do I have to do this stupid soccer practice?' she complained.

'Because Hyeju wanted to do it and you wanted to be a good friend and support her,' Haseul explained gently, hoping Yeojin would just comply. She didn't want to deal with a tantrum when her day was already going terribly.

Jiwoo checked her watch, 'Well, we've got to be going, we've been invited to some event.'

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, 'It's going to be so boring.'

'Don't say that! You might meet some lovely people!' said Jiwoo optimistically.

Haseul agreed with Sooyoung, whatever this event was, it didn't sound very exciting.


'Have fun with your new coach! I'm sure you'll love them!' Jiwoo tried to motivate.

Everyone could tell this clearly wasn't working.

Haseul wished she was as positive as Jiwoo and could think about the new coach in the same way that she was. Sadly, Haseul thought of the new coach as more of a curse than a blessing.

'I doubt it,' Hyeju muttered under her breath.

'Okay bye, we'll see you in a bit!' Chaewon pushed her mothers out the door, not seeming very excited by the prospect of soccer practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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