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A/N: I miss Jinni so much, hopefully she's feeling better now. Also Chuu's Step performance was amazing!


Hyunjin was woken up by Heejin hitting her violently with a pillow.

'Ow! What are you doing?' 

'Have you forgotten what day it is today?' Heejin asked, hands on her hips.

Hyunjin thought for a second, could it be Heejin's birthday? No, that was months ago. What could it be then?

'I don't know,' she answered honestly.

'It's Christmas day!' Heejin declared excitedly.

Hyunjin had never really celebrated Christmas. Her parents had always thought it was pointless so she and her siblings had never done anything special for it. It was just like any other day for her. 

'So?' Hyunjin had absolutely no idea what one was meant to do on Christmas.

'We have to do something!' Heejin exclaimed, rubbing her hands together. 'There's no space here for a tree though....' 

Hyunjin was confused, 'Why would we need a tree indoors anyways?'

'Not any normal tree, a Christmas tree!'

'What's a Christmas tree?' It was a genuine question but probably wasn't the best one judging by Heejin's expression.

Her roommate gaped at her, 'You don't know what a Christmas tree is?'

'Well I've never celebrated Christmas before-' Hyunjin tried to defend but she was cut off by Heejin.

'You've never celebrated Christmas before? Well that's changes today!' 

'No really it's fine, I don't really mind,' she hoped Heejin wouldn't waste her time on her.

'Nonsense! I'm going to make this special for you,' said Heejin, pulling her phone out of her pocket. 

Hyunjin would've tried to stop her but she knew that once Heejin had put her mind to something, there was no stopping her.

She thought it was rather sweet of her to do so much even if they had only known each other for less than 3 months.

Hyunjin had decided not to go home for the winter holidays as she wasn't the biggest fan of constantly being neglected by her parents. She knew it wasn't really their faults as they had 5 kids but it still hurt to barely get any attention from them.

Heejin had also decided to not go home because she wanted to keep Hyunjin company.

Hyunjin didn't understand why someone would do that for her but again, it was impossible to stop Heejin once she had set her mind on something. So she was stuck with Heejin's presence for an extra week (not that she was complaining).

'Alright,' said Heejin, entering Hyunjin's room again, 'I've set something up. We leave in 10 minutes so get ready.'

'Where are we going?' asked Hyunjin.

'You'll see,' Heejin winked and picked up her car keys.

They lived in a big city where you could pretty much get anywhere with public transport so the fact that Heejin took her keys was shocking. It must mean that they were going somewhere far.

Soon Hyunjin found herself in the passenger seat of Heejin's car. It was her first time in the car and she found that she rather liked it. Heejin had decorated the headboard with various things (mostly pink things) and had a photo of the two of them stuck on the middle of the wheel.

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