11. Dongfang Qingcang Intimidates Yichen

Start from the beginning

As Meilin and Qingcang were about to exit the hotel room, she turned to him. "Oh yeah, there are two things I need to mention," she said, catching his attention. He had his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes fixed on her with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

"Go ahead," Qingcang said, looking at Meilin expectantly.

"First of all," Meilin began, looking straight into Qingcang's eyes, "I'm not interested in dating." She could see the aloofness in his expression, and his eyebrow arched in response to her.

"Your interests are none of my business, but you belong to me," Qingcang replied sharply, his tone brooking no argument.

Meilin's eyes flickered as she listened to Qingcang's possessive remarks. She blinked twice and sighed as she felt a sense of annoyance creeping up on her. 'Again, with this stupid belonging nonsense that he keeps saying. He's... impossible...' she thought, trying to suppress the irritated feeling. The air around them was tense as he stood towering over her. "And the other thing I have to tell you is that you have to promise me not to kill anyone in this world tonight, aside from the dark beings you've seen earlier," she added, hoping to soften the tone between them.

The request seemed to agitate Qingcang further as he shut his eyes tightly and sighed deeply. 'She keeps asking me for more promises,' he thought, his mind racing. He struggled to realize that Meilin was trying to control him, the most vital being in the three realms of his world. "Fine," he finally replied, his voice dripping with reluctance. She exhaled a breath she did not realize she was holding, relieved that he had agreed to her request. But little did she know that he had a hidden agenda. As she smiled in relief, his mind was already plotting. 'She won't stay alive for much longer anyways; once I find a way to get rid of her, I will no longer have a weakness,' he thought cruelly.

Just as Qingcang was about to grab the doorknob, Meilin's voice cut through the silence. She cleared her throat, trying to steady her nerves. "Oh, before we go... If I'm going to spend time with you, could you at least tell me your name? I'd like to know what to call you," she asked, sounding as calm and polite as possible.

He turned to face Meilin, his expression changing to a serious and grim look. His eyes seemed to bore into her as if trying to intimidate her. "My name...is...Dongfang Qingcang," he said in a low and grave voice, emphasizing each word.

'No need to make it so dramatic,' Meilin thought as she rolled her eyes and looked Qingcang over, sizing him up. 'He thinks he's something special. How big of a deal is he? Just because he's in a world where everyone is weaker than him, he needs to act tough.'

Qingcang could sense the skepticism in Meilin's eyes as they stood in the hotel room, and his scowl deepened. "What?" he grumbled, his voice rough and intolerant.

She tried to play it cool. "Nothing," she said with a shrug and continued to speak, "I'm Meilin." She hoped that introducing herself might break the ice between them, but Qingcang's response could have been more welcoming.

"Hmph," Qingcang grunted, narrowing his eyes and gazing down at Meilin impatiently as his piercing gaze locked on her.

Meilin sighed. "Let's just go," she said, her casual tone showing her ignorance of the mysterious and overpowered man before her.




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The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now