The Night Shift

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It began to be midnight in a safe haven as one of the rooms in Zoo Phoenix Academy still had their lights on. Inside sat a human typing on a keyboard as she tried to finish something on her work computer. "Ok just gonna add this, then finish adding that and.... There!" Cameron happily said pressing enter on the keyboard to send to the school's database. "Alright good it's finally done" Cameron also said. "So is that all you needed to do Miss. Walden, it's midnight and should've been gone by now" a random disembodied voice told her.

"Not really, I still have to finish the

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"Not really, I still have to finish the... wait a minute Fabian? I thought you already left" Cameron asked before Fabian came out into her office. "Zechariah was getting sleepy, he asked me to stay and wait for you to get done," Fabian explained. "He also told me to give you the keys so you can lock up after we leave. He doesn't want someone breaking in afterall" Fabian said, putting the keys on her desk. "Oh whatever then, I just need to do that survey from Mr. Birdington, hopefully it doesn't take forever" Cameron said.

"It shouldn't, I don't get why we have to do it anyways, it seems kind of pointless," Fabian explained. "Maybe you're just overreacting, I will say It's at least better than being let go or worse," Cameron replied. "I guess so but still once the deal becomes finalized it wouldn't surprise me if things start changing. I mean he's buying a percentage of the school even though he's only been here since last year and even then he didn't do much of anything. Isn't that kind of a little convenient?" Fabian asked her.

"Not really, it's probably just overreacting. Actually you know what I should do this survey tomorrow. it's getting way too late" Cameron said. "So you head out then?" Fabian asked. "Yeah let's head out" Cameron then proceeded to get up from her seat and shut off the computer as the two headed out of the room making their way to the exit door. "Hey since we're alone and all I wanted to ask you something" Fabian said which got her attention.

"Sure what's up?" Cameron asked. "Well I was just wondering if by any chance you wanted to get a coffee at the coffee shop tomorrow?" Fabian asked her. "A coffee? I don't know..." Cameron replied. "I can promise you I just wanna go as friends, you seem like you need one after today especially when this is just the beginning" Fabian said. "True, today was pretty crazy, I'll consider it if.." Cameron cut her words short as She and Fabian overheard a random beeping noise which got them very confused.

"Um Fabian? What is that noise?" Cameron asked the fox. "What noise?" Fabian asked back. "The beeping noise, do you not hear it?!" Cameron said while the beeping continues. "Oh that, It's probably just the security system which most likely is going to go off if we don't get out of here" Fabian replied. "Zechariah showed me the security system when I first arrived and from what I remember, it doesn't sound like that" Cameron said. "Maybe it's your phone blowing up with text messages, trust me Cameron it's not surprising" Fabian jokes. "Be serious Fabian!" Cameron said before her eyes caught wind at the door behind Fabian slowly opening.

"Dang it, I thought Malcom locked the electrical room" Fabian comments also noticing the door was open. "Come on Cameron let's lock this door first" Fabian said as He and the human stepped inside the electrical room. Unsurprising to them everything was perfectly normal which gave them a sense of relief. "Alright Fabian lock it up, let's head out before... did the door just lock itself?" Cameron asked as smoke started pouring from the air vents. "Fabian, is this some kind of joke?" Cameron said as she looked behind her to see where Fabian originally stood was completely empty. "Fabian? Fabian?!" She called out. The room then filled up with smoke as Cameron tried to break out of the room while the beeping sound remained playing in the background.

The Next Day

In the break room Cameron stared at her phone, waiting for her coffee to be made in the coffee machine. It took just about a minute before it was finally done, Allowing her to pour it into a mug and take a drink of it. "Got yourself a coffee I see, you must have been up all night" One of the ZPA staff said coming into her line of sight.

"Oh Hey Carrie, how's your morning going?" Cameron asked her

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"Oh Hey Carrie, how's your morning going?" Cameron asked her. "Bad I hate mornings, hopefully no one found my hidden bottle of whiskey I left in the fridge" Carrie said as she roamed through the fridge looking for it. "Ha found it" She then proceeded to chug the whiskey down, which after she threw the bottle into the trash making a loud burp in the process. "So did you hear Fabian went missing? He was locking the school up last night and all of sudden he was never seen afterwards" Carrie explains.

"Oh... Yeah I actually didn't hear about that till Joyce mentioned it. It's sad for his daughter. I can imagine how hard it is to come to terms with it, especially with the thoughts of him not coming back," Cameron says. "She's definitely going through a lot right now but there are always chances of a miracle" Carrie replied. "Maybe," Cameron added.

"Miss. Walden please report to the principal's office. He would like to have a word with you" The intercom announced. "Wonder what He wants," Carrie said. "Who knows, I guess I better not keep him waiting then" Cameron said as she made her way out of the break room heading to the principal's office. "Cool then, see you later" Carrie said before noticing She left her coffee on the table. "Yes, free coffee!" Carrie commented, grabbing the coffee from off the table.

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