Chapter 21 - There is a ghost in town

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Piper glanced at Paris. "Straight to the point is she?" She asked as Paris nodded.

Then, Paris looked at Melinda. "We find out that it's not a ghost but a vampire and we find out more..." She trailed off.

"You are a witch." Piper added.

"What do you mean?" Melinda asked, confused.

"Its like we said." Paris replied. "And i understand you had it mistaken for a ghost, you see vampires are different, not completely dead nor alive. Vampire, but not a ghost."

Melinda nodded. "It's a lot to take in. And what do you mean, I'm a witch?"

"Well, you are like our sister." Piper replied to her. "She has most the same powers as you do."

"Okay." Melinda looked confused. "And can you show me?"

"We can." Paris replied. Then, she cloned herself as Piper blows something up.

Melinda looked on. "Wow, I belief you two."

"Thanks." Piper nodded.

"So, what would happen to the vampire?" Melinda asked.

"Nothing, yet." Piper replied.

"How so?" Melinda asked, blinking.

"We don't know what for kind of vampire he is." Paris replied.

"And when you do?" Melinda asked.

Paris looked at her. "We will see then."


Meanwhile with Cole, he looked around for the vampire. He was looking for the blue eyed man with dark hair, tall. When he came across a arrogant man, he fit perfectly with what Melinda had told them. "Hey, you!" Cole shouted at the man.

The man looked at him, uninterested. "Yes, what do you want?"

"I look for a man and you fit perfectly, vampire." Cole whispered at the end.

The man looked at him. "What the hell?! How?"

"Well, a friend of mine followed you and she thought you was ghost, so why would come here? With the Charmed ones any less?" Cole asked.

The man blinked. "Look, I don't know of this Charmed ones you are talking about, but I'm looking for my friend, who us missing and in this town is maybe the piece I'm looking for." He told him. "So, leave me alone."

"Maybe we can help you find your friend?" Cole asked to him. "And what's your name then?"

"Damon and I don't need your help." The man, Damon replied. "I just need to look and when I find it, I will be on my merry way back to my own town, yes." Then he wanted to walk further but was held back by Cole.

"You could have asked nicely." Cole dared.

"I don't need to ask nicely and what the hell are you?" Damon asked.

"Something you don't want to mess with." Cole replied.

"You don't want to mess with me either." Damon told him. "Look i just need to look for my friend, so could you just let me pass."

Cole nodded. "If I find out you aren't looking for your friend, i will find you and bring you to the Charmed ones."

Damon looked, confused. "What the hell is Charmed ones?"

"Three, maybe four witches that say powerful spells." Cole replied.

"I know a few witches of my own." Damon shrugged.

"Then, you know how powerful they can be." Cole told him.

Damon nodded. "I do."

"Then heat my warning about them and only look for your friend." Cole ordered him.

"I will." Damon nodded as then he used his vampire speed to get away from there. Cole looked on.


Later, Cole was back in the manor, also Piper and Paris were back. They told the others what had happened and what they would do next. "So, what happens next? We can't just let a vampire walk around in our town!" Paige exclaimed.

Paris looked at her. "I know you are still new at this, but when Cole says we can let him walk around then we do that, besides he is only looking for his friend. And he knows what will happen, when he doesn't do what he says."

"But..." Paige was interrupted.

"Lets give him a chance." Phoebe told them.

"I agree." Paris added.

Piper glanced at Leo, who nodded. "One mistake and he is a pack of noodles."

"Yes, miss." Paris saluted.

"But what do we do about Melinda?" Paige asked.

"She get's to get home." Paris replied. "There isn't something holding her back."

"I agree." Phoebe added.

Piper nodded, glancing at Paris. "Would you tell her?"

"I will." Paris nodded.


Next day, Paris went to Melinda. "Hey." She greeted her.

"Hey." Melinda greeted back.

"Everything is solved and you can go back home if you want." Paris told her.

"Thank you and I will, but I will take an extra day first to relax." Melinda nodded. "After everything you and Piper told me, I need it."

"That's okay." Paris smiled. "Do what do you need to do."

"Thank you." Melinda nodded.

"And remember phone me, if something happens that you even can't solve." Paris told her. "Okay?"

Melinda nodded. "I will."

Then, Paris leaves and let Melinda to have time for herself.


After everything they had for these past days, it was a good end, well maybe not so for Damon, he was still looking for his friend and maybe he will never find him/her, maybe he will. Paris frowned and was in deep thought. Something is coming and it's coming sooner that they would expect!

Magical DemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora