Chapter 48 - December 19, 2016

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"What did you want to show me?" Pietro questioned, a brow raised as he glanced around him. "It's too cold out here for this."

"Hush" I commanded, bouncing excitedly. "I need your help. Christmas is in a few days and I've been trying to think of a present for Wanda-"

"Didn't you just start dating?" Pietro interrupted and I glared at him.

"By that logic I wouldn't have gotten you a present. I could easily just take it back-"

"No, no. I want a present" the man assured me frantically and I hummed.

"I got presents for you, Tony, Nat, Lena, and Steve. I just can't think of anything good enough to give Wanda" I huffed.

"That's great, but why are we outside for this? It's freezing" Pietro whined and I shoved him a little.

"Calm down you baby I'll get there, just help me with this first. So I had an idea" I started, taking a deep breath before holding out my hand. In between us a cat seemed to appear, making Pietro jump back with wide eyes.

"What did you do!"

"I've been messing around with my powers for a while now" I explained, my brows scrunching together as I made the cat walk around. "Bruce said that my powers had to do with light or spectrums or whatever, so I was thinking about the people who see jungles or water in the desert. It turns out that the reason for that is-"

"This is boring" Pietro interrupted my explanation and I blinked at him in annoyance, my lips forming a thin line.

"Fine then, fuck you" I grumbled, retracting my hand so that the illusion vanished. "Just tell me what you think your sister's favorite Christmas memory would be."

The silver haired man raised a brow, wracking his brain for a couple seconds before grinning. "Probably when we were twelve. Wanda got up early with our mother and they made breakfast together for us, and then she made us all watch a stupid old Christmas movie. We spent the whole day doing American Christmas things like making houses. I hated it."

I smiled softly, trying to imagine young Wanda excited about all the cliche Christmas traditions and young Pietro complaining about the activities chosen.

"Alright, thanks Sonic. Now for the reason I brought you outside" I hummed, moving forward and shoving him hard, making him fall into a puddle. He yelped loudly, his entire body tensing at the cold.

"What the hell was that for?"

"That was for that shit you pulled a couple days ago with Yelena. I was too exhausted yesterday because Nat beat my ass with training but I swear I'm going to kill you" I growled, lunging at him.

"It worked though" he protested, scrambling to his feet and sprinting away, not bothering to use his speed.

"Yes but that was an asshole move so you need consequences" I shouted, taking off after him.

I chased him for a good five minutes before I caught sight of Wanda, my eyes lighting up as I rocketed towards her and jumped on her back. She yelped, using her magic to steady herself as I buried my face in the crook of her neck.

"You smell nice" I hummed happily.

"Was it necessary to jump on me?" Wanda asked and I nodded, sliding off her back so she could spin around and face me.

"It was very necessary. If you can't defend yourself from unknown attackers then you could get stabbed" I said, keeping my face straight and my tone serious.

Wanda laughed, shaking her head and connecting her hands behind my neck. "Are you calling yourself an unknown attacker?"

"I'm clearly very dangerous" I grinned, moving my hands to her hips and pulling her closer before bending down, connecting my lips to hers.

"I just can't escape it, can I?" A voice scoffed and we broke apart, turning to see Tony walk into the room. "First the kitchen, then the living room. Don't you two have a room? Two rooms, actually? Rooms in a facility I own with furniture I bought?"

"If you have a problem with it blame Pietro and Yelena" I retorted, sticking my tongue out at the man. He rolled his eyes, shooting a look at Pietro who stood in the doorway.

"I regret it now too" the speedster assured him, pretending to gag.

"I will still kill you" I shouted, scrambling away from Wanda and after the man. He took off, almost immediately slamming into Steve who barely moved at the impact. I burst out laughing at the man who was now on the floor, blinking dazedly.

"You okay?" Steve asked, holding out his hand to Pietro. The man took it, letting himself be pulled up.

"It was karma" I said, nodding a couple times before smiling at the super soldier. "It feels like I haven't seen you lately. What's going on?"

"We found Bucky! Caught sight of him in the camera of a new ATM that was set up in Bucharest" Steve said excitedly, checking Pietro once more to make sure the man was fine.

I gasped, excited for the man since I knew how much he had missed his best friend. "That's great! When are you going to get him?"

"We were actually about to leave."

I bounced on my toes a little, eyes shining. "Let me come! I want to help!"

"You?" Tony asked and I shot him a look of annoyance.

"I've been an Avenger for a while and I want to do missions" I huffed.

"You have been getting better from what I've seen" Steve hummed, seeming to think about the proposition.

"She's not ready" Wanda broke in, moving to stand next to me, her hand wrapping around my arm tightly. "She's not had enough training."

"She's gotten far better at combat training" Nat argued, appearing in the door behind Steve. "I think she could handle it, especially with a mission as simple as this."

"I'm ready" I pressed, turning to look at my girlfriend. "It's going to be simple and I'll have Steve there with me."

"And Sam" Steve added and I nodded, gesturing at the blonde.

"See, and Sam. Bucky isn't the winter soldier anymore so it'll be safe." She shook her head, still not on board with the idea and I sighed, cupping her face. "I know you just want to protect me but I can do this. I'll be fine."

She bit her lip, eyes flickering between mine worriedly. "You're not ready."

I huffed, taking a step back before turning to Steve. "I'm coming. When do we leave?"

Variation - W.M. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora