Chapter 37 - December 8, 2016

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I half expected to wake up in an empty bed the next morning but instead I woke up to Wanda holding me; her warm breath hitting my forehead. I watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open, meeting mine after a couple seconds.

"How do you feel? Better?"

I nodded, snuggling back into her. I didn't want this to end. I wanted this to be a normal thing; not her disappearing before I woke up and acting as if it didn't happen the next day.

"Are you hungry?" She questioned and I nodded. She moved to get up but I shook my head.

"Can we just stay like this? Just for a couple minutes?" I asked softly, my hand grabbing a handful of her sweatshirt.

"Of course" She said, matching my tone as her own head lowered, her lips pressing against my hair. I smiled a little, breathing in deeply before letting it go. There was no doubt in my mind that I had an extremely massive crush on this woman.

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" I asked quietly.

She thought for a moment. "I have been to most places."

"Then which one was your favorite?"

"Here, I think. In America." She said, her hand starting to draw circles on my back. "And you? Where would you go?"

"I always wanted to go to Paris, ever since I was little. My mom and dad met there so it's been my dream to return with the love of my life."

"Can't you go now? You have the ability."

I shrugged. "I suppose, but that wouldn't be the same, would it?"

Wanda hummed thoughtfully, her hand moving up to run through my hair. "You smell a bit like the forest."

I grimaced and started moving away from her. "Sorry. I spent the entire day yesterday out in a state park I used to visit with my brother." She stopped me and pulled me back.

"It was cold outside, I thought you said you would take care of yourself."

"It wasn't planned. I kind of ended up there and then it was the next night."

Wanda leaned away and lifted my chin so that my eyes met hers. "Please be careful, okay?"

I felt my face heat up as I nodded, eyes flickering between hers.

Unfortunately our little bubble had to be broken at some point, and that point was when Pietro started banging on the door.


"Maybe he'll go away?" I whispered, clinging tighter to the brunette.

"He never does" she said back, extracting herself from me.

"Do you know where Ollie is? She didn't come down today and she isn't in her room. Did she even come back last night?" Pietro shouted through the door.

Wanda shot me a look and I sighed, letting her go and sliding out of the bed.

Wanda watched me closely as I got up. "You can't-"

"I know" I sighed, walking over to the outer wall and stepping through, letting myself float to the ground. I then appeared behind Pietro and poked him. "Why are you being so loud?"

The silver haired speedster jumped at my appearance before recovering, looking me all over. "Where were you? You weren't in your room."

"I popped out to take a walk, calm down."

"Well what about yesterday?"

"I had some stuff to do, no big deal" I assured, smiling at him and patting his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He questioned and I opened my mouth to lie again when the door opened, revealing Wanda.

She shot her brother an annoyed glare before heading away from us, not sparing me a second look.

"No, I'm not okay" I mumbled, dragging a hand over my face.

"What's wrong?"

I glanced at the retreating figure of Wanda and let out a heavy sigh. "Come here."

I led us to my room and closed the door behind me, taking in a deep breath before letting it out, watching as Pietro sat down on my bed.

"I like your sister" I blurted and his eyes met mine, blinking. "Not in the way I like you but in the mushy relationship way."

He jumped to his feet, his eyes shining as he pointed at me. "You admit it!"

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up. The problem is that every time I think she likes me back she proves me wrong."

"Can't she just hear your thoughts? She always says yours are loud."

I shook my head, flopping down on the bed. "No, I think I've figured out how to block her from my mind. I've been testing it out with small thoughts but I did it completely last night."

"That will only work until you get tired enough. Maybe just tell her?"

I snorted. There was no possible way I could tell her. She wouldn't feel the same so would it even matter?

But what if she did feel the same?

Groaning in frustration, I pushed myself up. "Go away, I need to shower."

"Rude" Pietro scoffed but the grin on his face told me he didn't take offence.

He left the room and I sighed, gathering my clothes and heading to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and turned on some music before starting the shower.

Unfortunately for me, scalding hot water didn't have an effect on deep-rooted crushes that extended far beyond this world.

I sighed and pulled out my phone, trying Nat's again but, of course, getting no answer.

"JARVIS, where's Nat?" I questioned the AI, although I knew the answer I'd get.

"I am unsure, Miss."

I sighed. I guess that's what was expected of a former assassin who was literally trained to fly under the radar.

Variation - W.M. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang