Chapter 9 - October 24, 2016

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Agreeing to talk to Wanda was a terrible idea, and that was made clear as I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room while Wanda pulled a sweatshirt on, sitting on her bed with her back leaned against the headboard.

"So, why did you come here?" She asked, breaking the silence.

I frowned. "I told you, I was trying to find Clint-"

"No, not that" Wanda stopped me. "Why did you come here? To my room."

I shrugged, looking down at my fingers and flexing them out. "I didn't know it was your room. This is where Wanda's room was when she lived in the facility." I looked over to the wall and chuckled a little. "Vision used to phase through the wall all the time instead of using the door. Half the time it was because the door was open, the other half it was just because he was being, well, Vision."

The silence stretched out, growing more uncomfortable by the second as neither one of us spoke. I finally made the move, unable to stand it.

"You said you saw the memories? All of them?" I asked tentatively, knowing I had a few that she probably wouldn't want to see. As I thought about it, the memory in question popped into my head and I grimaced when Wanda flinched.

"Yes, thank you for showing it again" she growled and I scowled.

"I never asked you to go through my mind. I'm allowed to think whatever I want to think about."

"It's not my fault you think so loud. Just think quieter" She snapped.

"Learn to control your powers" I shot back, clenching my hands tightly and spinning around to leave.

"Wait, I'm sorry" she stopped me, sighing. "I just had to watch my brother die and that was hard, even if its not real here. Tell me you don't think about that when you're around your Wanda."

I shook my head. "I don't. I haven't thought about it in a while, actually, but seeing Pietro and talking to him, and then the whole party just kind of set me on edge tonight."

Wanda nodded, patting the spot next to her. I bit my lip, fighting with myself on whether or not I should accept the invitation to sit. I decided on an uncomfortable medium by sitting on the edge of her bed, half facing her.

"What was that memory from?"

I cleared my throat, shaking emotion out of my voice before answering "Novi Grad; May 2015. Where Ultron put his big plan in action."

"Is that how you met her?" Wanda asked and I assumed she was asking about my Wanda. I nodded, closing my eyes and actively pushing away the memories I knew were trying to surface, instead thinking of other memories that didn't cause so much pain. "Can you tell me the story?"

I raised an eyebrow at the woman before nodding, stumbling over my words to try and find the story. "There isn't much of a story to tell. We were in the city when red mist started affecting people, leading them out of the buildings, and a blur grabbed people and carried them out of town. The lucky ones got out. The rest of us were stuck when the city started floating. It was chaos." Flashes of crumbling buildings and the Avengers fighting robots sped across my mind. "She saved us. Stopped one of the fuckers from shooting us and led us to where everyone else was hiding."

"How did you get to be friends with her?" Wanda asked and I actively tried to quiet my mind.

"She didn't notice us, or who we were. But she did save me, so I went to the facility after everything to thank her. I guess it meant a lot to her, because she kept me around" I joked, trying to cover the way my voice wavered at the lie.

"What happened to who you were with?" She asked and I froze, my mind speeding back over my story and cursing when I realized I had said we.

"Nothing, I was alone" I brushed her off, wincing as a little boy jumped into my mind for a split second. I know she saw it, because she seemed to lean forward a bit.

"Who was that?"

"Nobody" I growled, standing up from my spot. "I should get going, but thanks for the talk."

Wanda didn't say anything, and for a moment I thought she had taken the hint and let it go before I felt a pressure in my head and I connected the feeling to when Wanda had been in my room the day before, only this was more intense, more purposeful.

She was digging for him.

"Stop that" I snapped, next to her in what felt like a second, my fury heating every blood cell in my body. "You can't go through someone's mind whenever you're throwing a tantrum because you can't know everything."

"I-I was-" Wanda began, her eyes flickering between mine, fear seemingly reflected in them.

"I don't care what you were. My thoughts are mine, and mine alone, and you have no right to them. There are some things not even my Wanda knows, and you sure as hell aren't privy to them because you had Mommy around. Lot of good it did because she obviously didn't teach you fucking manners." I leaned closer, my hands clenched tightly and my eyes burning. "Stay the fuck out of my head."

I didn't give her a chance to respond as I pulled a page out of Vision's book, forgoing the door and phasing through the wall.

I may have been pissed, but even I could find the humor in the fact that I had never controlled my phasing before, and I very well could have slammed into the wall instead of my intended goal.

But, luckily, my powers heeded my wishes, taking me into the hallway. My legs did the rest, leading me to my room. I slammed the door before my entire facade crumbled with me, memories of a small voice and a mop of blonde hair overloading me, tears spilling out of my eyes like waterfalls.

"Miss Attwood, are you alright?" Vision's voice flooded the room and I pressed my eyes closed. This was JARVIS, not Vision. There was no Vision anymore; neither here nor at home, no matter what Wanda had created.

"I'm fine, JARVIS."

There was a silence before JARVIS spoke up, displaying a sense of understanding that I didn't think was possible from a computer program. "You called me, JARVIS?"

"You called me Miss Attwood."

"Apologies, Ollie."

I hummed, dropping myself to the floor and curling into the fetal position. "But it's your name. JARVIS. As much as you sound like him, you aren't Vision." I said, laying my head on the hard floor. "And as much as this looks like it, this isn't my home."

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