Chapter 47 - December 19, 2016

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I was very aware of the fact that I had promised we could watch sitcoms as long as Wanda wanted, but four hours in and I was slowly losing my mind.

So instead I decided to play around with my powers; concentrating hard on the light in the room to see what I could do with it. The answer was 'nothing much' since the only light shone dimly off the TV. When that got boring I took a new approach; playing a game.

I called it 'see how many times you can poke Wanda before she flings me out the window.' The premise was simple; use my speed to poke the woman and pretend like I'm not.

In all fairness, she had a bit of an advantage.

"Stop it" she huffed, turning her head to glare at me.

"Stop what? What am I doing? You want me to stop watching this delightful sitcom? Well, if you say so..."

"Poking me" she hissed and I threw up my hands in surrender.

"I would never do anything of the sort" I gasped dramatically and she rolled her eyes, turning back.

So of course I did it again. Bad move on my part because I almost immediately found myself restrained by Wanda's red wigglywoos. I struggled against it and pouted.

"Let me go."

"No" she said, eyes not leaving the screen.

"As kinky as this is I want my hands free" I whined, attempting to phase through my makeshift cuffs. It, obviously, didn't work.

"Then you shouldn't have poked me" Wanda deadpanned.

"I told you, it wasn't me!" I protested.

"Your thoughts are really loud, I can hear you planning to do it again."

I huffed. "Fine, I won't do it again. I promise."

The red vapor around my wrists evaporated and I grinned triumphantly before the boredom set in again. I glanced over at Wanda and sighed loudly. When she didn't look over I did it again, this time louder while dramatically flopping backwards onto the bed.

"Yes, Olivia?" Wanda sighed, annoyance edging her voice as she paused the show. I peeked my head up to see her looking at me.

"I'm bored" I whined, my bottom lip pushing out.

"I thought we could watch sitcoms as long as I wanted?" The witch reminded me and I groaned loudly, sitting up and rearranging myself so that my head rested on her lap.

"That was under the impression that you wouldn't forget my existence" I frowned, looking over at the paused screen. "Plus, these things are so boring" I drawled.

"Then entertain yourself" Wanda said, and as soon as the thought popped into my head she shot me a look. "And not by poking me."

"But your face is so pokable. Like your nose just" I grinned, pressing my finger to her nose and letting out a soft "boop."

Wanda bit back a smile, scrunching up her nose in a way that was far too adorable to exist. Wanda's cheeks flushed and I flipped her off.

"Stop reading my thoughts" I scolded half-heartedly.

"And miss how cute you think I am?" She questioned smugly and I rolled my eyes, moving off her lap and huffing loudly.

"Like you need the ego boost. You'll have a head as big as Tony's soon."

Wanda gasped, narrowing her eyes at me. "You take that back."

I cackled and rolled out of bed, hitting the floor with a loud "oof" before scrambling to my feet and out the door, Wanda not far behind.

As I passed the kitchen I slowed, doubling back after a few seconds of thought.

"And what exactly are you doing?" Wanda asked when she appeared in the doorway, seeing me scroll through the hologram my phone projected.

"Waffles" I chirped, opening the fridge and grabbing the eggs out.

"You just ate" the brunette deadpanned, although she started over to me and waved a hand, the rest of the ingredients floating down.

"Waffles transcend hunger" I said seriously, pausing my actions to stare at the woman.

"Were you always this bad? I feel like you've gotten worse."

"Pietro and Lena enabled me. I'm so much worse" I grinned, resuming my egg cracking.

"Can't we make them in the morning? I'm tired" Wanda whined.

"Technically, since it's midnight, this is the morning. Just very early morning. Plus I want waffles. And since Nat decided to abuse her power and make us train literally all day we are free today" I listed before my eyes widened dramatically "I also really want waffles."

"You said that twice" Wanda said, smiling a little as she moved to help me. I pumped my fist excitedly, pressing a kiss to her cheek before scooting out of the way so she could take over. She eyed me, a brow raised. "Why am I suddenly making this if you were the one who wanted them?"

"Because I'm your girlfriend and I just spent the last four hours watching sitcoms" I pleaded, eyes wide.

"You spent the last four hours pissing me off" she corrected. I slapped on an innocent look, leaning forward with my lips puckered.

She rolled her eyes, a small smile on her lips as she met me halfway. I slid my hands to her waist, pulling her closer.

"Seriously? In my kitchen?" A voice sounded and I pulled away, glaring at the intruder.

"You ruined my first kiss on the day. I should drop you off a mountain."

Tony rolled his eyes at me, moving to lean against the counter as he looked between the two of us. "So this is a thing now?"

"No, Anthony, I just kiss all of my friends. Pietro was next but it can be your turn" I stated sarcastically, approaching him with my arms outstretched.

"I'll pass" Tony said, face scrunched in disgust. I flipped him off before moving back to stand behind Wanda, my arms wrapping around her waist. "So, what are you making this time?" My eyes widened and I frantically shook my head, making a 'cut it out' motion.

"This time?" Wanda questioned and I grimaced, burying my head in her neck.

"Don't worry about it. He's delusional. Too much coffee."

"Stark, what did you mean?" Wanda asked and Tony opened his mouth to speak when I shot him a murderous glare.

"Sorry kid, I don't want to miss out on breakfast foods."

Wanda shimmied out of my grip and her eyes narrowed, head beginning to tilt. I yelped, waving my hands frantically. "It's nothing! I just made cinnamon rolls at one in the morning yesterday."

"You were in bed yesterday" Wanda frowned and I pursed my lips.

"Yes, I was. Technically. Depending on the time slot you are talking about."

Wanda rolled her eyes, clearly unamused as she muttered something in Sokovian and moved out of the way. "Then you can make these yourself."

My head whipped around to face Tony. "You are a dead man. Snitches end up in ditches."

"Maximoff, make whatever it is please. You may be scary, but Ollie without food is even worse." Tony said.

"Please?" I mumbled, capturing Wanda in my arms again and pressing kisses to her face to punctuate my continuous pleading.

Her nose scrunched and she giggled despite herself, pushing me off. "Okay, fine."

I grinned widely, kissing her once more on the nose before going to move so I wouldn't be in the way. I was caught by a tendril of red, though, and pulled back.

"You have to stay here."

"Avengers are clingy" I snickered.

"So are you" Wanda huffed and I grinned, wrapping my arms around the shorter woman and pressing a kiss to the back of her hair.

"And that's why I'm an Avenger."

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