Chapter 24 - November 17, 2016

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Today should have been a restart, a 'wipe the slate clean and forget yesterday even happened' day, but it was hard to do that when the two days blended together, not being separated by sleep.

In other news, I had managed to finish an entire three season show by the time morning coffee with Tony came around again.

"You look worse than yesterday somehow" Tony commented and I glared at him.

"Unless you want to drink coffee through a tube the rest of your life I suggest you find a new morning greeting."

His eyes widened and he held up his hands in surrender. "Alright. Got it. Good morning Ollie, you look great today."

"But now I know you don't mean that" I grumbled, sitting down in my seat with black coffee, not even bothering with sugar or cream. I needed pure caffeine .

"Of course I don't, you look like you got hit by a bus."

I sighed, letting my head slam down on the table, letting out a delayed "ow" as the pain coursed through me.

"So what's going on? Why are you so...this?" Tony asked and I let out a loud groan.

"I need sleep, my body says no. It's a problem" I explained, going to pick up my cup only to have my hand phase through it.

"You might want to fix that problem before you sink right through the floor and into the ground."

I hummed, giving up on my coffee after a few more tries and standing up. I swayed a little, blinking tiredly before saluting towards Tony.

I knew an easy way to get some sleep would be to repeat what had happened the other time I slept through the whole night, but that was the exact problem. I didn't like the fact that I had slept so well next to her, or that I had stayed awake due to the questions about her I didn't want answered. About her and my timeline Wanda.

Instead I plopped myself down on the couch and booted up the wii, turning on Mario Kart. Pietro usually came down at nine on Sunday, since it was my day off from training.

When nine rolled around I figured he was sleeping late. At ten I wondered if he had simply forgotten. By eleven I was worried.

"Hey JARVIS, where are the twins?" I had seen every other member of the Avengers who lived in the facility besides the twins, and I had started to wonder if they had gotten sent out on some super secret mission.

"They are in their rooms, Miss" the AI answered and I huffed, pushing myself up from the couch and storming to Pietro's room. Once there I pounded on the door.

"Pietro, it's already eleven! Get your ass up!"

A few seconds went by without an answer so I raised a hand to knock again when the door opened, Pietro rubbing his eyes. "I don't feel in the mood today, sorry."

Before I could say anything the door was shut once more and I frowned, blinking in confusion at the door before turning away. "Well I'll see you later, I guess."

I started down the hall slowly, trying to process what just happened. "JARVIS, how's Wanda right now? Off?"

"Off, Miss?"

"Not normal, different, weirder than normal" I elaborated.

"It seems so."

I hummed, biting my lip and checking the time. Plenty of time to enact my great master plan to get the twins back to normal.

I hurried to the kitchen and pulled up a recipe on my phone, gathering everything I would need before getting started.

"What are you doing?" Nat questioned as she entered the kitchen, slowing once she saw the mess.

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