Chapter 42 - December 14, 2016

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I hadn't been in my room for more than a few hours when a soft knock sounded on my door. I jumped up, pulling open my door hurriedly to see Nat standing there. My heart fell and I internally cursed myself for hoping it would be Wanda.

"Hey Nat" I greeted, trying to hide my deflation. She was trained to observe everything, however, and she quickly noticed.

"Expecting someone else?"

I sighed and shrugged. "Not expecting but hoping I guess."

She shot me a sad smile before clearing her throat, getting to the reason she was here. "We need to restart your training. Meet me in the training room tomorrow at seven."

I hummed, moving to close the door before the redhead stopped me, a hand on my wrist. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Yelena's been a widow most of her life so she hasn't gotten to experience things. It just makes me happy to see that she is getting along with you and Pietro."

I felt my heart warm a bit, smiling widely. "She's sweet and she fit right in with me and Pietro, although it's almost like having a second one around."

Nat chuckled, nodding a little before her face grew serious. "Did you know? About the red room?"

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "I only knew Yelena's name because Natasha mentioned her to Cap back in my timeline and I kind of had a habit of eavesdropping." Nat shot me a look and I held up my hands. "To be fair when Wanda and Vision would go off I was sometimes left with them and they didn't seem too interested in me."

Nat hummed, giving my hand a squeeze before starting away from my room. I debated getting back in bed but I knew my mind wouldn't slow down enough to sleep; desperately waiting for Wanda to open the door and creep in like I wanted her to. So instead I left my room, taking the turns of the hall to get to the medical area.

"Hey, Banner?" I called, peeking my head in. He looked up, catching sight of me.

"Hey Ollie, did you need something?"

"Do you possibly still have those sleeping pills?" I asked tentatively. He nodded, not questioning my sudden need for them as he opened a cabinet, rifling through the contents before pulling out a small pill bottle.

"These are pretty high strength and they are made specifically for your altered genetic makeup. Take one and you should be out in half an hour."

I took the white capped container and hesitated a little. "This won't keep me from waking up to an alarm or something, right? I have to train with Nat and she would kill me if I missed it."

"No, they only help you fall asleep. Staying asleep is something you do on your own."

I hummed, narrowing my eyes to peer through the orange plastic. "Well thank you. I'll tell you how they are."

I left the medbay and my steps faltered a little on the way back, my pained stomach sending me in a new direction.

"Hey Ollie" Tony greeted me as I padded into the kitchen. I frowned slightly at the mug in his hand, reaching forward and plucking it from the table. "Hey!"

"What have I told you about caffeine after six. Anyway, shouldn't you be getting home to Pepper?"

"She's at a work thing for the company so I get to stay here and work on a new suit for the kid." Tony explained, a slight pout on his face. I couldn't tell whether it was from the confiscated coffee or the information just relayed to me.

"You can't simply survive on coffee" I sighed, returning the drink before moving to make myself food. He grinned triumphantly, taking another sip of coffee. "When is she coming back?"

"Not sure the exact day, but she said she'd be back by Christmas."

"Christmas?" I muttered, furrowing my brow. What day was it?

"The holiday with trees and cookies and a fat dude in chimneys?" Tony prompted and I rolled my eyes.

"I know what it is, I just sometimes forget that it's December."

"Clearly" he scoffed, eyeing my shorts. I flipped him off before grabbing my pancakes from the microwave and sitting down. "Are you missing any Christmas plans now that you're here?"

I shook my head, beginning to tear a piece off of a pancake. "Not really."

I remembered Christmas mornings with my family pretty well, through every stage; just my parents, all of us, and then just Oscar.

The first Christmas after he died I spent with Wanda, both of us staying in bed and watching Christmas movies while drowning in our own bubbles of depression. At least that was until Vision floated in and monopolized the rest of her time by inviting her to go to Stark's party. She had tried desperately to include me but I had declined, just as desperate to avoid Stark.

By the time the next Christmas came around we were on the run, having broken Wanda and the others out of the Raft. The relationship between Wanda and Vision had flourished out of nowhere so instead of being a third wheel I snuck away to visit my family's graves, spending a small amount of time with them before journeying back.

But now that was no longer a possibility. I had no way to visit my family. Sure I could visit the graves and the grandparents I had in this time but that wasn't truly my family, was it?

"What does everyone do around here?" I asked, pulling myself out of my downward spiraling thoughts.

"Usually we all split up and do our own thing. I used to throw parties but this year its just going to be Pepper and I since I haven't seen her in a bit. Nat usually just works but I'm not sure what her plan is this year."

"And the twins?"

"This is their first Christmas here, so your guess is as good as mine."

I hummed, popping the breakfast food in my mouth. "What about New Years?"

"Obviously I'm throwing a party for that, who do you think I am" the man scoffed

"Of course you are" I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement. "And I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that attendance isn't optional?"

"I'm glad you get it" Tony hummed approvingly. I rolled my eyes, the smile of my face giving away my enjoyment of this conversation. "Now I'm out. Have to finish installing the training wheels program in Peter's suit."

"I'm not even going to ask."

Tony stood, stretching a bit before pouring himself some more coffee. At my disapproving look he grinned, ruffling my hair and escaping before I could hit him.

I huffed, a rock settling into my stomach as I was left alone in the kitchen with my thoughts, a container of pills, and a plate of lukewarm, syrupless pancakes.

Variation - W.M. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن