Chapter 10

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Grimmjow's awake, already showered, changed the bedding, and picked up the clothes both of you shed from the prior activities. You're KO on the couch that now needs to be replaced. He came out staring at you sleeping with your one leg dangling off it from the couch not being leveled, he fucked you so hard a wooden leg broke off the bottom. The both of you were so entangled in each other that you guys didn't even notice it broke. Grimm walks over and picks you up from the couch and transfers you to the bed, he covers you up and kisses your head. He turns around quickly and senses something he hasn't in such a long time.

"What the fuck..." he says sounding annoyed.

Grimmjow looks back at you who's still sound asleep, he looks worried about something but walks out and closes his door walking down the hall to the common room with his hands in his pockets. 

About an hour later you awake stretching. You look around the room which is laced with Grimmjow's scent and notice you're in his bed. You're all tucked away like a little burrito. You sit up, looking for him in the room but nowhere to bed found. Time to go before he catches you and keeps you hostage by bending you over his desk. When you get up from the bed your legs are a little wobbly, standing is a chore and a half. You take your first step and your legs start trembling, second step and they're trembling even more. You sit back on the bed to give them a little break and stand back up, they're still wobbly. Fuck it, you gotta go. You start walking past the couch, you notice the couch is all wet and is shaped funny leaned over sideways.

"It's fucking broken?" You say heading towards the closet. "How the hell?"

You can't really wrap your mind around it, you think Grimm might've fucked some of your brain cells away or at least fucked the part of your brain that controls memory because you remember some but not all. You grab one of Grimmjow's jackets and zip it up, he's such a big being that it looks like a king blanket on your body, and goes all the way down to your knees. It smells just like him and brings a smile to your face as you slightly hug the fabric bringing more of his scent out. You open his door and close it behind you quietly as you hear voices downstairs, one voice sounded unrecognizable but you didn't give it a second thought, thinking maybe somebody came over that was a friend of the roommates. Inside your room, you start your shower washing away his scent and fluids. After your much-needed wash, you throw on a sundress and head downstairs. He must be down there as there are a lot of voices and laughing going on. When you get halfway down the stairs you see blue hair which causes you to smile, but then you see long aqua-colored hair close to him. He's got his arm over the individual with the long aqua hair. You continue to walk down the stairs and collect information as you go.

It's a girl he's got his arm over! She has pretty aqua-colored hair, a nice shape, and bright green eyes with a magenta strip over her nose.. she's also got a skull on top of her head, could she be like Grimmjow? What she's wearing is a backless bodysuit that's white and a black mini skirt with black and white mix match lace-up heels. She flips her hair and you notice she's got a 3 in the center of her back. She is like Grimmjow. But who is she? The woman dropped her phone and it slid a little past herself, when she went to pick it up she bent over, you look at Grimmjow immediately who's eyeing the hell out of her ass. That pissed you off and now you need to know who the hell she is.

Y/N's POV:

I was downstairs and steady to the group. I see Rangiku, Ichigo, This woman, and Grimmjow talking amongst each other. He trails off running his hand down her back and walks outside for whatever reason, but this woman is still here and I want to know who she is.

"Oh hey Y/n! Were you up there taking a nap or something? I was wondering when you were gonna come down haven't seen you in a while." Rangiku says waving.

Co-Ed Love. (Grimmjow X Reader) LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now