Walking into a Lions Den

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"Congratulations and welcome to Karakura University. Now from what I understand, out of the various housing choices.. I believe you picked the coterie, is that correct?" questioned the admissions counselor.

"Yes, I um don't really want to be on campus and I'm sure I'll barely see the roommates at the coterie, you know...Too busy studying and what not."

"Hmm. Well, the participants also thought the same. They even said they would rather spend the term off campus as it would benefit them. Just so we're clear, the coterie consists of 4 men and 1 woman. It is Co-Ed. Meaning males and females are residing within-"

"I'm fully aware of what Co-Ed means. Thank you. I just want to wanna know what everybody is like. Do you have that information?" I ask nervously.

"That my dear you'll have to find out on your own. Here are directions to the coterie." The counselor stands up, shakes my clammy hand and sends me on my way. From what the directions say, the coterie is only up the road about 5-8 minutes away from campus. Driving up I see this tall high-rise apartment complex. It's positively stunning! The directions say the coterie is on the 25th floor, oh how brilliant. You leave your belongings in the car and head inside the elevator.

Checking the directions again once I reached the 25th floor I needed to look for door labeled "SS." What the hell? All the other doors here have numbers but why is it that the door I'm supposed to walk through has letters instead of numbers? I'm skeptical already. The door labeled "SS" was all the way at the end of the hallway. There's a doorbell and a combination lock doorknob. I don't have a code so I guess I'll ring the bell.


"Yeaaaah?" A rude man answers.

"Um.. I'm a roommate here at the coterie, and I wasn't given a code by the counselor so I need to-"

"Yeah yeah wait a minute."

"Oh my days who was that rude person? I'd never associate myself with somebody who answers a doorbell that way!" I thought to myself. I stood there for another 5 minutes until I heard the locks open. I saw the brightest orange hair, luscious in body and bounce pop through the door. Followed by huge titties. 

"Ahh! Another girl YESS! Hiiiii I'm Rangiku, are you our new roomie?" Rangiku said as she hugged me and nearly suffocated me with her giant boobs. 

"Yes I am. I picked this place cause it seemed secluded and I didn't want to be on campus. That's okay right?"

"We didn't want to be on campus either. Come inside! Where are your things? Do you plan on wearing the clothes you have on your entire term? Is this your gigai?"

"My what? My stuffs in the car downstairs, I just wanted make sure I had everything correct in my directions before I brought everything up. You guys are on the 25th floor after all." 

"Nothing. I understand, well let me give you a little tour!"

Walking from the front, I removed my shoes and walked into the kitchen. It was immense and had a lot of appliances to suit every meal no matter which one of the day you were having. The dinner table was long and set beautifully, but before I could admire how nice the kitchen was set up, I saw a dashingly hot man leaning over into the fridge. No shirt, but wearing grey sweatpants, and socks. When he pulled himself out, he had a juice carton and drank straight from it. Standing up, I could see he had radiant electric blue hair, and was really tall and built. He wiped his mouth and peeped over his shoulder at me, then put the carton back and closed the fridge. Rangiku strolled up after shutting the door behind me.

"Oh I see you've met Grimmjow, he is a mystery but he... Grimmjow did you just drink from that damn carton again? C'mon we've talked about this! You know what? I'm going to keep a smile on today because we have a new comer. Her name is.. Wait. I actually didn't catch it. What is your name?"

Co-Ed Love. (Grimmjow X Reader) LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now