Chapter 13: Giants and a Giant Warship

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Percy POV

When Alcyoneus said that another primordial was helping them, but not any primordial but the primordial of fate, it just made me freeze from the shock. It definitely just made this war 100 times more complicated than before. 

I was so lost in my shock that if it weren't for my time powers, I would've been pierced by Alcyoneus' spear. I rolled to the side and shoot a couple of arrows into Alcyoneus' shoulders to make him drop his spear, but it just made him angrier. I slowed down time to give me more time to think about how to kill him. I knew that he can't be killed in Alaska, so I had to make him move to Canada at least. Then, I remembered that I could just simply push him into one of my mist portals to Canada, but pushing him was going to be a problem. 

"Stupid son of Neptune, do you really think that a few arrows are going to kill me? You can't kill me in my homeland," Alcyoneus taunted as I let lose control over time. 

"Oh, trust me, I know," I said before summoning a hurricane around me and using the winds to push the giant back.

I put away my bow and took out riptide and uncapped it. I felt the familiar weight of my adore celestial bronze weapon and grabbed it in an icepick grip. I look back to my quest companions and noticed that they were fighting against a legion of dead roman warriors and Thanatos was already freed. 

"Guys!" I call out to them and they momentarily turn to me, "Take the porta! I'm about to bring this place down!" I shouted and summoned a portal right behind them. 

"We can't leave you alone, Percy!" Hazel shouted before she stabbed her spatha through one of the dead legionaries. 

"You have to trust me on this or everyone is going to die!" I shouted back.

Hazel and Frank shared a look and reluctantly went through the portal. I closed it right behind them and the legionaries started marching my way. I felt the hairs on the back of my head tingle and roll to the side instantly. The moment I sprang back to my feet, I noticed a huge spear stabbed into the place I was just standing at. I might not have the curse of Achilles, but losing it definitely gave me a sixth sense. 

"Now you are alone, and alone you will die. Mother will and so happy that I finally got rid of you," Alcyoneus said with a sadistic grin before the shadows around me tried to grab a hold of me. 

I slowed down time just enough to jump out of the way and towards the dead legionaries. Just when I was about to cause the entire iceberg to collapse, I noticed a golden standard with an eagle partially buried in the ice. 

Taking a risky decision, I parried a stab from one of the legionaries and summoned my shield to block a stab from another zombie. I used the snow around us to solidify around the soldiers' feet and rendered them completely iced to the ground. I took the opportunity and started rolling between legionaries and slashing them in half as I made my way toward the eagle. 

After successfully avoiding and killing legionaries, I finally got to the eagle and retrieved it from the ice. I could feel the power traveling through it, it was very similar to Zeus' master bolt, but to a decreased scale. 

"You won't get out of here alive sea scum," Alcyoneous said through gritted teeth after he saw me decimate his entire legion of the dead. 

"We will see that," I said before summoning a mist portal around 50 feet in height behind him(which took a bunch of energy from me since I'd already used my powers for ice manipulation and a hurricane). 

"This better work," I muttered to myself before stabbing riptide through the iceberg and causing an earthquake. 

The ice ground started to break almost immediately and the entire cavern shook violently. Alcyoneus was barely maintaining his footing, but that wasn't going to last. I ran up to him and slashed riptide through the back of his right knee. The giant let out a roar of pain before collapsing to a knee. Oil-like black liquid oozed out of his wound and painted the ice completely black. 

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