"She'll be fine," I say, though I wonder.... "Please."

"Please," Terri says, mocking me.

"Damn, how can I say no to that?" Layne chuckles.

~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"What a nice family outing," Layne jokes as he drives.

I giggle with excitement, just happy that I'm around him. As we reach a red light, I lean over and kiss him.

"I can't wait to see you in action," I tell him. I stare at his lips as he licks them before checking on Terri, who sits quietly in her car seat, staring out the window.

"You should warm up the booth for me," he laughs as he continues to drive.

"Ugh, here you go again," I sigh, focusing on his pink hair. Damn, I want to dye my hair pink now.

"Yeah, here I go," Layne softly says as he does a wide turn. My eyes focus on his fingers...his long fingers. Mmmh.

"Go!" Terri shouted, clapping her hands, causing Layne to giggle.

"Such a cute kid," he says under his breath.

"So what song are y'all recording today?" I ask him.

"A song I wrote about you...."


"Yeah," he laughs before saying, "It's called sexual chocolate." I cover my mouth, snorting as I laugh and shake my head at him.

~~~~ ~~~~~

"When the hell did this happen?" Sean asks, his face full of shock as Layne, Terri, and I enter the studio building.

"Tanya's kid," Layne tells him with a smile. "Remember her?"

Sean whistles, nodding his head. Okay, whatever that means.

"Say hi to Seanie," I say to Terri, waving her hand to him.

"Hi," Terri shyly says.

"So this is what we do now? Kidnap babies?" Sean laughs, softly shaking Terri's hand.

"She's her babysitter, idiot," Layne laughs, shaking his head.

As Sean makes silly faces at Terri, Jerry and Mike walk out of the booth and are surprised to see us too. It's so funny seeing them all get excited over a baby! Not so badass after all, huh?

Layne softly pats me on the butt as I bend to put Terri down.

"Hey!" I giggle, looking back at him.

"Sorry, couldn't help it," he laughs. We're such a goofy couple.

Standing up back to my feet, Layne and I stand chest to chest. I smile up at him. Ahhh, finally, with my man. Layne smiles back at me, and damn, he's so beautiful. Four months of being together, my mind still can't comprehend how beautiful he is. As Terri plays with the tall giants, Layne and I stand there, looking at each other for a few seconds that feel like forever. I can't help but feel that we are made for each other.

I am so happy and wish my mom and the rest of my family could be here to see it....I am getting better.

"Hi, mommy," he whispers to me, chuckling.

And I want to help him get better too.

"Hi, daddy," I whisper back before kissing him on the nose. Damn, that nose of his.

~~~~ ~~~~~

Terri quietly sits on my lap on the couch, playing with Layne's gameboy as I watch and listen to him sing in the booth. Damn, how is he real?

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