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"Layne's on the phone," Shana tells me, peaking her head through the crack of my door.

"Tell him I'll call him back," I mumble through crushed lips. Curled up in a fetal position in bed, I peak an eye open at her.

"You haven't called him back in two days," she reminds me, sucking her teeth.

Shana's right. Since Friday night, I've been ignoring Layne's calls. It's interesting going to bed mad at someone. Even though they're not with you, you hoped they would feel it. I wonder if Layne felt it.

I groan, "Fine, go tell him to fuck off."

"What happened between you two?"

I haven't told Shana what happened that night at the party. I fear she will tell me I was being dramatic, which might be a little true.

"Nothing...I'm just moody," I tell her. "I got my period last night," which is also true.

Shana crosses her arms over each other, "Do I need to beat Layne's ass?"

"No," I stiffly laugh. "Just tell him I'll call him back...please."

It was another lie but probably the quickest way I could get Shana to leave my room.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Still sulking in my bed, I think about me...and Layne. I think about sex with him. His smell. His lips. His smile. His voice. His warmth. I miss him. I really, really miss him.

Sighing, I sit up and massage the tense muscles caused by staying in one spot for hours.

But he doesn't feel the same way I feel.

As I massage my neck, my eyes travel to a piece of paper sitting on my nightstand. The edge of the paper lifts, waiting to get elevated into the air.

Chris...I should call him.

He's probably worried about me...with how I left him.

No, he isn't.
I mean, he did look pretty worried.
Because you were about to bawl your eyes out to him in his car.
....Fuck you.

Rolling my eyes at mainly myself, I snatch the piece of paper off the nightstand and get up from my bed. Good thing Shana is nowhere in sight when I leave my bedroom and roam to the living room. I love her, but I just can't talk to her right now.

Grabbing the cordless phone, I sit on the couch. I stared at the dials for a minute before glancing at the piece of paper and dialing the number Chris gave me.

I should hang up. Yeah, I definitely should hang up, I thought to myself as his number rang.

"Hello?" oh fuck, he answered.

"'s Andrea."

I hear Chris smile through the phone, "Oh hey, I was hoping you would call."

"You were?" I ask him, finally relaxing on the couch.

"Yeah, you got me a little worried," he chuckles lightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. How are you feeling?"

"Good...much better," I lie. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm okay."

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" he asks, hinting at something.

"Yes...and I wanted to tell you to thank you...for bringing me home." A ticking sound becomes more apparent. I look around the living room for a moment before locking eyes with the loud ass clock hammered to the wall.

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