Desperate measures

Start from the beginning

Then she threw herself forward at him. Kicking in the face, twice, knocking him down. The polarity gauntlet flew threw the air and landed a good few meters away. She crawled towards it, and picked it up.

"For me? Oh you shouldn't have." She grinned down at it.

He picked himself up, and grabbed it from in her hand, trying to pull it away. "I didn't." He swung his hammer and got her in the side. The gauntlet flew away again.

She got up quickly and hissed.

"I heard a rumor about a rogue con. How about I hog tie you and haul you in?" He ran forward full speed at her, raising is hammer high in the air. Maybe that would earn him some points with Megatron.

She narrowly avoided his swings. Which only slowed him down, and slightly took him off balance.

"Huh, the primitive type." She said. It was most definitely a ploy to get him angry. Too bad it worked.

He screamed and ran forward at her again. She jumped up on a high rock just in time as he hit the ground with his hammer.

"Not much for depth perception anymore, are you?" She chuckled.

"Well, not much for," he fired up his Canon again and aimed at her. "Looks anymore." He couldn't help himself with the stupid little pun. He screamed heartily and fired his Canon, hitting the rock.

She jumped out of the way and was gone by the time the dust settled.

A drilling noise sounded, but he couldn't figure out from where. Then an explosion sound, and a cloud of smoke flew up just beneath his feet. Spider appendages flew up from the ground, grabbing his shoulders, dragging him down underneath the ground. All in a split second.

He grunted in pain as he tried to move his arms, but she was stronger than she looked.

Breakdown looked up to the sky, as rocks and dust swallowed his limited vision. He was trapped under ground.

He grunted as he tried to smash his way free. He somewhere managed to free up space, raising his arm up in the air. He luckily wasn't buried that deep, so he pulled himself up. He saw her walking away, with the weapon in her hand.

Without thinking he ran towards her again. He was pissed. When he thought he didn't want the autobots here, he didn't mean some crazy rogue con instead. She ran towards him this time.

This was beginning to feel pointless. But he needed that weapon. And he just couldn't call in for back up. That certainly wouldn't earn him any points with the lord.

This fight was just going on and on. It was usually fine with someone who actually fought. But this con was jumping out of the way of his swipes and moving to fast for him to keep up with.

He got her with his hammer and she would just jump back up. Using her quickness, and his lack of vision to her advantage.

He swore he heard distant metal scrapping sounds. A strange frequency of some kind.

The weapon kept flying away as well. Which was so annoying. It kept landing far away, and then they would race to grab it.

He grabbed it, and powered it up. But she knocked him to the ground and tried to snatch it again. He held on stead fast.

He thought he heard voices from somehow. But he couldn't focus on that right now.

It flew away again, and she shoved him to the ground. He tried to get up, seeing her reach for the weapon. Blaster fire shot it away.

"Arcee!" She said happily, turning to face her. "And look, you brought a new partner for me to snuff."

"That would be bulkhead." Breakdown said against his own will. Great, now he had to fight a rogue con and the autobots. This day just kept getting better and better.

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